Your Views
Your views would be greatly appreciated
for the following page:
I'm not a professional web designer so
What do you think design/layout/colours etc
Many thanks in advance
Your views would be greatly appreciated
for the following page:
I'm not a professional web designer so
What do you think design/layout/colours etc
Many thanks in advance
jackchen posted this at 04:20 — 31st May 2000.
They have: 472 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
Your design is really cool! Can't think of any flaws that your site has, Great Job!
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Cloughie posted this at 09:08 — 31st May 2000.
They have: 133 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Yep, I really like your site.
Only thing that I would say is that when your mouse is over the links you know when the text enlarges. I don't like that. Plus on the monthly ISP spotlight 4 links only the top to move and then bottom two just highlight.
I think they would look better as normal mousovers.
Just my humble opinion....
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johnnyboy posted this at 09:43 — 31st May 2000.
They have: 166 posts
Joined: Jan 2000
a) Like Cloughie said, make those CSS changes. That's annoying.
b) The 'Brand it Now' logo, that red doesn't fit with the rest of the site.
c) The footsteps look almost exactly like
Other than those three things, I think the rest of the site looks good.
Quality web site design without the monthly maintenance fees!
Megan posted this at 14:01 — 31st May 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
NOt bad...
The logo looks a tad bit fuzzy to me, and I'm not sure about that bright red - it doesn't quite mesh with the colour scheme. You should also put the "or regret it later" in a different font - make it part of the graphic. I do like how the logo overlaps other page elements
Actually, I'm not so sure about the colour scheme as a whole. It's okay, and pretty unique but I don't think that those colours work that well together. I would get rid of that darker orange and use the dark red/yellow instead.
Overall I think this is pretty well done. A lot of the time tabled layouts can end up looking like copies of each other, but this one looks different.
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Justin S posted this at 14:49 — 31st May 2000.
They have: 2,076 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
1) I agree that the logo really doesn't go with the rest of the site. I would also add the "or regret it later..." part to the logo, and not just plain text.
2) The shoes look exactly like the ones uses, but who cares...
Very nice! I really like the layout...
My name is Nitsuj. I bet you're thinking WTF...
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
myriad posted this at 23:07 — 31st May 2000.
They have: 88 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Many thanks for your comments:
1) I will change the CSS file and make the
replacement text the same size.
2) I'll change the words "or regret it later"
to look a bit better.
3) The shoes - nope there mine
thought of "borrowing them" but decided to
avoid any problems and make them ourselves..
..problem is shoes is shoes and I do agree
that they look similar but there again they
would wouldn't they?
Thanks for all your help & reviews
much appreciated!
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