Your Thoughts Please
I am doing a site and I looking for some opinions and thoughts on its layout/design. I know it is a little basic but I think it is good for what its purpose is; to help webmasters.
I would really appreciate if you would have a look and give me your thoughts. Please don't concern yourself with the content as I am trying to get the design completed then I will just add in the content.
I want to say Hi to everyone here, this is my first post and I have only been here for a couple days. I found this forum kind of by accident, but it was an accident I wouldn't mind repeating. I am getting my site setup and I was getting a vbulletin board for it. I was checking out the hacks page and read that the 5000 members had a webmaster board, so I had to have a look. I had to smile and laugh a little when I first looked, not at the content but at the color scheme. My site and my upcoming board are using pretty much the same dark red color. I hadn't set my board up yet and was wondering how that color would work; well I must say it works well.
Thanks again for your help,
Megan posted this at 16:36 — 24th January 2002.
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Welcome to TWF! I'm glad you like the colour scheme
Incidentally, when I first did the design I had different mock-ups in blue, red, and purple (which I thought looked really cool but Chad didn't like so well
). We decided that red was more interesting, and I think it provides a nice, friendly atmosphere to the site.
Your site, while it does seem very functional as you say, could use a little spicing up as far as graphics and visuals go. The logo, for example, is really very boring. At least try a more interesting looking font for that. Those bright red boxes are a problem as well... that colour doesn't work well with the darker red IMO, and the drop shadow isn't working with the flat look of the text. Overall I think the colour scheme could use a little refinement - that pale yellow with blue links isn't wowing me either.
Oh, and we'd appreciate it if you could help us out and review some other sites.
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Spidey_Lee posted this at 17:12 — 24th January 2002.
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Thanks for the suggestions and while I read them and looked I agree. Thanks for being an extra set of eyes.
mmi posted this at 18:00 — 24th January 2002.
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hey Spidey - yer site looks good!
- some of the alignments and background colors aren't quite working in Netscape (4 or 6) - do you have these browsers on yer machine? - if not, I can give you some details or screenshots
I think I could help you improve the text when you, as you say, "add in the content" :coolblock
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Megan posted this at 18:32 — 24th January 2002.
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Yes, I thought the text was a little on the wordy side (get to the point!) but I guess you'll deal with that later.
Spidey_Lee posted this at 19:07 — 24th January 2002.
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No I do not have any Netscape browsers on my PC yet. My old one recently died and my new one is running Windows XP Pro and I am not sure if Netscape (the older versions at least) will run correctly.
If anyone is Running XP and has Netscape 4 and 6 running correctly please let me know and I will install them.
mmi if you can give me some more details and screenshots I would be very appreciative.
Yeah I know they are wordy, I will be getting more direct once I get the design complete and working in most browsers.
Spidey_Lee posted this at 19:43 — 24th January 2002.
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mmi I just installed Netscape 6.21 and yep the colors and layout are not working correctly. Jeez I tested this in and it was working in all of their tests. I guess NN is its own creation and has different rules, thanks Netscape. LOL
Thanks for pointing this out to me, looks I have some work to do.
The Webmistress posted this at 08:41 — 25th January 2002.
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I agree that it could do with a bit of spicing up and that the reds don't go together well.
Frankster posted this at 16:17 — 25th January 2002.
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Like the ohters, I like the site, because I Like simple websites. Maybe a little more spicing up like small graphics mixed with your content like business people, just a thought.
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Spidey_Lee posted this at 17:20 — 25th January 2002.
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Thanks everyone for your help, I understand what needs to be done to make the site better.
If anyone else still has comments please let me know because it all helps.
Well off to Photoshop I go. hehe
Busy posted this at 21:51 — 25th January 2002.
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With 4 browsers, I have 4 slighty different views
oldest to newest:
NS4.7 - the page has a black background width wide grey borders and line break (hr's), the text one the side columns are on the borders (middle section is ok), becaiuse the background is black, the copyright text is unreadable. the search box pushs the width out as well, on 800x600 the other browsers end under the z on the top banner, NS4.7 ends at the p of promotion,
IE5 - I think it was made for this browser, everything lines up fine
NS6 - white background, wide dark grey borders and hr's like NS4.7, side text against the edge
Opera6 - same as IE except the grey lines dont show up, as if you were using noshade in the hr tag,
Spidey_Lee posted this at 03:00 — 26th January 2002.
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I primarily use IE6, have checked with NN6.21 and things line up fairly well. I don't have NN4.7 installed so thanks for the heads up. I am currently in a total redesign and once done I hope to get everything in most browsers looking the same.
Thanks for the help
krash_io posted this at 02:11 — 27th January 2002.
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Hey I think the layout of your site and everything is good, seems pretty easy to navigate. I'm not really even worried about more graphics or anything becasue it seems the majority of your viewers will be web-designers or wanna-bees
so they will be expecting to read, not play.
However, because you site will posibbly be on that your users will spend most of the time reading you may want to enlarge that main body text a little and widen the main text area.
I might also suggest setting the background color of that area to something less white, I think I went crosseyed after reading a couple of paragraphs!
Even the slightest color adjustment can cause a big difference.
Good work overall.
Spidey_Lee posted this at 15:33 — 28th January 2002.
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BUSY I have played around with the current design a little. could you please check it again in those browsers ad see if there is any changes?
I know there is a code to use to keep the form search box from expanding but at the moment I am at a loss. You at 0px 0px or something like that but I will have to do a little refresher to remember.
krash_io, I have added an off white to the middle section and expamded it slighty so please have a look and tell me if that helps?
My eyes are not the greatest so seeing colors, well is pretty hard, so can you all look and tell me if the RED links goes whith the yellowish navigation bar?
If they don't work can you give me a suggestion or two? I am using CSS so changing the colors takes about a second.
I have just done these basic changed until I get the ite redesigned because I am getting some traffic and would like those visitors to keep coming back.
I appreciate all of your help,
krash_io posted this at 16:54 — 28th January 2002.
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Yeah I think that looks better. I don't know if anyone else has a problem reading large ammounts of text on a white background but it sure bothers me. Of course I'm on a computer at least 10 hours a day. Maybe thats my problem!
Either, I like it. I think its a litte eaiser to read.
Busy posted this at 22:23 — 28th January 2002.
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NS4.7 - still a black background, and form width to wide
check your cells/tags that have a black background, are these al closed, have you used a black bgcolor in any main tr cells? I had a quick look at your code and found two empty td cells with black bgcolor, use   in them and add a class="smlgap" tag (name to suit) and in your style tag/sheet make that class a 8px font size, other wise the   will make the cell to wide
see this thread for resizing your form width.
NS6 - same as IE except a slight gap under the brown top section, (probably looks better than IE now)
Opera - same as IE but the colored hr's are colored, are clear lines - look ok, you'd get away with it
even thou they have a few slight differences, no one is going to be looking at your site in 2 or 3 different browsers, but even if they did it would probably be different days/ systems and wouldnt notice the slight differences.
not sure about your link colors, the red is a bit bright, maybe a darker red? or maybe a dark grey since you have a light grey in the center, oops just noticed you have underlined text, try not to make the active or visited links to dark or people could get confused
Spidey_Lee posted this at 23:20 — 1st February 2002.
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Chuck I apologize for the delay in responding I have a nasty flu that has laid me up in bed for a while. I am still sick but your post had me take a closer look at things and I have made some changes. Have a look and tell me if things are better?
Busy, yeah I know what you are talking about with that black box. I am currently doing a complete redesign so I think I can get by with leaving well enough alone until it's completed. Luckily right now most visitors are using IE so I am ok for the moment.
Thanks for your comments and now its back to bed.
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