Your opinion please --- Bill Lindsay Custom Homes
Hi I did this site for a local builder. This was actually a redesign. Please give me your honest opinion (be nice though
Many Thanks,
- sybru
Hi I did this site for a local builder. This was actually a redesign. Please give me your honest opinion (be nice though
Many Thanks,
- sybru
Dragon of Ice posted this at 14:51 — 17th August 2004.
He has: 578 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
I love it! Nice Job using Georgia (I beleive) instead of TNR. One thing you could have done, and gotten the same effect, is gone tableless with CSS.
I would get rid of the arrows next to the menu, and add a home link.
On the gallery, there's an ad at the bottom of the page for some thumbnail thing, and the buttons don't match the background color.
Other than that
Megan posted this at 17:47 — 17th August 2004.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I don't see georgia at all, I see verdana
Georgia would be an excellent choice here though. More traditional looking, to go with the nature of the business.
This design looks really good. Very appropriate for the business involved. I do see a few little problems though. First of all, the faded out tagline under the logo is obscuring the actual logo a little bit. It's not adding any value, I don't think, so remove it. The second thing I"d like to point out is the arrows next to the navigation items. They're not all in a straight line - some of them are higher or lower. Make sure those are all on the same level and lined up properly. While you're at it, some mouseovers would be nice. Just change that background colour to something darker or lighter (actually, that whole navbar could be easily done with CSS. Much easier).
In the photo gallery, the full size photos are much too large. There should be some margin around them. It would be nice if I didn't have to scroll so much to see the whole thing (for the vertical ones, I can't see the whole thing at once). The "foyer" one also has some artifacts on it - looks like splattered paint.
I almost forgot - the smaller house photo on the front page looks like it has dotted lines going across the top. That's confusing to me. Beter to put just a regular photo there.
Great job with the site! I like the colours a lot and you've done an excellent job of creating a look and feel.
Thanks for reviewing so many other sites first! We really appreciate it
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Dragon of Ice posted this at 16:24 — 18th August 2004.
He has: 578 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
I guess I was talking about the header. I was a bit tired when I did that review...
AyntRyte posted this at 23:26 — 19th August 2004.
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To add to the client's credability, there should be a contractor's license listed or made available.
The client really should have their own email displayed. Otherwise, you will probably end up acting as a messenger, as interested viewers *will* send email to you. Just a peeve of mine
I agree on the need for rollovers on the navigation. Other than that, this is a beautiful site. My only other suggestion would be to add a small margin to the top. I found myself trying to scroll up when I was already at the top
\\// Robert
The grass is always greener on the other side -- but that's because they use more manure.
pmj7 posted this at 22:45 — 21st August 2004.
He has: 234 posts
Joined: Nov 2002
Looks very nice. "Honesty, Experience, Dependability" don't quite fit together to me. I haven't got anything to back it up, but I prefer "Honest, Experienced, Dependable" - just seems less awkward.
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compwolf posted this at 02:16 — 22nd August 2004.
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I am not really experienced at the critique thing but here goes my two cents.
I enjoyed the layout and color schemes. Some minor things that kind of didn't please the eye are as follows:
On the home page the picture of the house behind the couple has some odd dotted lines running through it. Also it seemed kind of squashed.
The ghost effects behind the "Honesty ...." part seemed to detract more than enhance the effect ... if it were more of a drop shadow I think it would look much better. and the superlatives are very grinding on the nerves in that they do not flow well together ...
Also on the contact page the only Email contact was to the webmaster. How would I contact the people if I had a speech impediment and couldn't use a phone? (bit drastic example but I think you see what I mean)
The arrows are kind of odd next to the navigations, and there is no indication that the logo is the "home" page link ...
Other than that I really enjoyed it ... great work !!
heebiejeebieclu posted this at 15:48 — 22nd August 2004.
They have: 527 posts
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Yeah... I don't know if this is just me but on the front page it's just a tiny bit too big there's like a miniscule gap in my browser scroll bar.
I have to say though I'm really impressed!!!
survivorshrine posted this at 07:52 — 24th August 2004.
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The image for the banner looks awkward, I see a bunch of ..... across the home, unless that was for some graphic effect, it doesn't seem necessary, hinders the beauty of the picture employed in my opinion. A home button is definitely a must, or you can substitute the banner link for the home page instead of making it direct to about us.
eitemiller posted this at 19:51 — 13th September 2004.
He has: 20 posts
Joined: Sep 2004
Yeah, I get the same thing viewing the site in Firefox. The pic we are discussing is titled "house_couple.jpg". Not sure why it is doing that. Other than that, I say it is a sharp looking website.
sybru posted this at 10:06 — 13th September 2004.
They have: 17 posts
Joined: Aug 2004
Thanks for your ideas ... I've implemented some of your suggested changes.
- sybru
sybru posted this at 11:30 — 14th September 2004.
They have: 17 posts
Joined: Aug 2004
oh yeah! ... I forgot to fix that ...
I know what the problem is ... back to the drawing board
- sybru
Dirty_Dawg posted this at 20:13 — 14th September 2004.
He has: 64 posts
Joined: Aug 2004
I really like your choice of graphics, and your colors are a very good choice.
Direct and to the point.. I like that
I am not a fan of frames, and your header "in my opinion" is to large.
What I really like is sites that yours that makes a presentation.. I would suggets that you make your contact phone number part of your graphic.
I am big on proper us of meta tags.
Title= Bill Lindsay Custom Homes good choice
Description= to short toot your horn a little here. You could get more milage here..
Good work again, but I would stay away from words like "honest, dependable" they would better be fitted for your description.
Nice Work
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pteglia posted this at 04:10 — 15th September 2004.
He has: 13 posts
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Design wise, I really like this site. A couple of little things though, that could really help the look I think:
1. Add some padding to the bottom of your main content area, the text is crammed right into the footer and could use some whitespace.
2. Add some padding above the orange hard hat on the Horizon Painting page. That image isn't made to bleed and would look better with a bit of space above it.
3. The image on the comments page is very pixelated. This isn't such a large site that you couldn't have a little higher res image there. It would look much cleaner, like the header looks clean (Very Nice Header IMO)
4. What are the dots on the house on the front page?
I am pretty nitpicky, hope finding the little things helps,
Great logos and web design from Port Townsend, WA
danreturns posted this at 21:18 — 16th September 2004.
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I'd add more content. More photos, more customer comments, and if the builder has the office staff, I'd add live chat.
jjm posted this at 15:59 — 19th September 2004.
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I am very new at this, so perhaps I can’t offer as much as the experienced members.
I love it. The site gets directly to the point and is easy to navigate. The color scheme and text work well to give a professional image.
Visually, this site would make a very powerful first impression for a potential customer for your client. Check the websites of the competition – I am sure you’ll agree this is site is designed better than 90% of them. Your client must be pleased.
thomagreg posted this at 13:39 — 22nd September 2004.
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SOrry havent read the other replies in bit of a rush so excuse me if I repeat some. Not keen on the font for the links. Could be more classic lookin imo. Another thing is the top picture doesnt *quite* fit to the right hand side of your central banner. Its about a pixel or two off. Not sure if this was intentional or not, but I noticed it. For customer comments I would prefer if the quotes you are making could be backed up by a name for example.
"Our builder gave us a ...a home built. By Joe Bloggs (2003)" by giving a name and dat you can personlalise the site and up to date-dates will make it look as if your updating the site reguraly.
Otherwise its very clean and tidy, Good Job!
Greg Thomas
[email protected]
A teammate posted this at 18:38 — 25th September 2004.
They have: 47 posts
Joined: Jul 2004
I relly like the colors and the contrast of the site:D... but the thing i like most is the header its really nice but like Magean said the faded text on the header doesent do anything... romove it.
sofy60 posted this at 06:02 — 27th September 2004.
They have: 16 posts
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