Your Feedback Needed On Updated Web Site!
Hi there,
I could really use your help. The iQuest Info Marketing web site has just been redesigned.
I've updated my web copy and your opinions/suggestions would really help. I feel like I'm "to close" to the web site to evaluate it objectively. Your input would really be appreciated.
You'll also get some great promotion tactics and an Internet marketing ebook that you can download for free at this web site.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Megan posted this at 13:37 — 26th May 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999 for your convenience
This isn't much of a site to be honest - more like a page with a whole lot of text on it. THere's a lot of work to be done if you ask me.
The logo looks really good. Make that bigger. Use that dark blue instead of red on the page. Try table backgrounds to add structure to the page.
Think about your design - this is just some text and a logo thrown up on a page with some colours for emphasis. Divide your text into several sections and create new pages for each section. Then create a navigation menu to link them all together. That's what a web site is. It's best to use the same look for all of your pages.
It does look like your text is nicely organized and well written, which is something a lot of people seem to have problems with. Too many bolded keywords in that top area, and as I said before - divide it into pages!!
Now that I've read some of this, it sounds like a lot of marketing bull$hit to me but some gullible saps might buy it.
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johnnyboy posted this at 17:22 — 26th May 2000.
They have: 166 posts
Joined: Jan 2000
dave K,
I can't really disagree with Megan. I'd like to add to what she said and say that you should have your tables based on percentages and not fixed width. At 1024x768 there is way too much white space. Add some more graphics, you already have a nice color scheme build on that.
Quality web site design without the monthly maintenance fees!
Justin S posted this at 18:40 — 26th May 2000.
They have: 2,076 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I have to agree that it's just a whole lot of text. I'd say break the site up into pages. Y'know how you have different headings for each part of the text? Make each one of those a page.
The logo isn't bad, but 1) it doesn't go with the rest of the site, and 2) it's too small to make much of a difference.
Overall it reminds me exactly like all the other marketing sites...
My name is Nitsuj. I bet you're thinking WTF...
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
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