Yet another site to look at

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Joined: Apr 1999


if you guys want to see the company with probably the worst corporate design west of india look at this site:

We tried to do our best to satisfy their taste and still dont make it very ugly. We hate this cutomer because they always change stuff back and forth and then dont want to pay for it. Its really really annoying. But weel, its finally done, so we would appreciate your comments on the site.


Megan's picture

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Joined: Jun 1999

THis, for some reason, is looking just a little bit blurry to me. That photo isn't working - it's too small to really get a good idea of what it is at first glance. Try to find something simpler. The circle on there doesn't look so good either - a little bit jagged.

The headers on the links page are poorly optimised as well. Speaking of the links page, I think that this would be a lot better with plain text instead of all those little logos. The page wouldn't scroll nearly as much. Either that or put the logos side by side instead of on their own lines. A lot of those logos are too small to really read, so I hope they'll be readily identified by your audience.

There's an image missing on the online-einkauf page. Oh, and the site title should appear on every page.

I think that this design is alright, but a lot could be improved. Lose the frames. The nav buttons look rather cheesy with that 3D bevel effect and drop shadows. Most of the graphics look poorly omptimized. There are a lot of graphics on here again - but I guess your company doesn't worry about download speeds (at least put in the alt tags though). There is too much red as well IMO, and the pale blue clashes with it. A lot of the content is taking up more vertical space than it needs to, causing an unnecessarily large amount of scrolling (particularly the stellenmarkt pages).

Justin S's picture

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Hmmm... I remember the old design, a little... I think...

1) I think the blue image flips look good, and have good image quality. The red version, though, needs some work in the image quality department. I also think you can get away with the bevel effect, but I would s**** the drop shadow.

2) Why is there nothing in the frames above and below the content/menu area? I would put a logo up in the top part, and then just extend the content/menu part down to the bottom of the screen. I agree that there should be a logo on every page.

3) You need to improve the resolution on almost all the graphics. The only ones that have a good quality are the blue version of the navigation.

Is this signiture short enough?

AndyB's picture

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Joined: Aug 1999

This is without a doubt the ugliest example of your work you have ever posted. If you hadn't posted it as yours, I hate to think what might have been said. Everyone here knows you do far, far, better stuff than this .. but I guess if that's what your customer insists on, what else can you do??

Image quality is far worse than your normal standards and some of the images desperately need compression - the 100+kb image of the lady on the DM998 couch, for example.

They have: 153 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

The main image that comes up first that says:
Ecklebe Wohnwelt is blurry.
On some of the secondary pages their are horizontal scroll bars (800x600)


They have: 297 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Well, cant do nothing about the red: Corporate Identity.

I know its ugly, I never said anything else.

Their new policy is that they want all images at 156 color gif and JPeg quality 10, everything done over again. So we'll just do it the way: Main thing is the customer is happy, who cares about their customers.


AndyB's picture

They have: 344 posts

Joined: Aug 1999

I sympathize Malte. As you say, if your customer is happy and pays, why worry about their customers

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