Well, here it is - Please critique this site

They have: 64 posts

Joined: Jan 1999

Hey guys,
Kinda new to these forums and was wondering if you could critique my site: http://www.websiteresources.net If anything comes to mind, just reply back.

Brian Farkas's picture

They have: 1,015 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Hi, Michael. Welcome to TWF's! Anyway, your site looks pretty good... but it seems like the load time is not all that great. Also your website resources dot net mini-logo at the top left isn't the same color as the rest of the background.

InfoStar: Web Design - Hosting - Programming

They have: 2,390 posts

Joined: Nov 1998

- give your banners some img size atributes.
- use just one blue throughout the site - you use about 4.
- put your poll in the left column and the buttons with the others at the bottom of the page.

The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.

They have: 112 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Hi mellinger,
I spotted something weird in your Webmasters' Dir. The "new" images are not showing,it printed "&nbspnew". Your site is really great!

Elara - Webmasters' Guide

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