Web Hacker

They have: 1 posts

Joined: Mar 2005


Please tell me what you think.

dojo's picture

She has: 87 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

Php fusion and a theme by Lorkan?
What's to be reviewed here? Your talent in installing a CMS and a theme made by others? Laughing out loud

Busy's picture

He has: 6,151 posts

Joined: May 2001

Please review a few other sites as per the posting agreement, thanks

mfdc's picture

They have: 160 posts

Joined: Aug 2004

I think your sites excellent kid'! Good structure, nice content. Your probably going to get more stick than anything else though due to the nature of the site & its contents. We all tend to take a bit of a moral high ground on the Net ( well I do sometimes anyway Sticking out tongue )

Templates or not, PHP fusion or not, your implementations good & that counts a lot today. keep going, there needs to be more freedom of information on the net than present.

Oh BTW, please note that the things I posted above, are my own personal opinion & despite that, while I dont condone illegal activites, Im basing my comment on past experience, posting a site review of a hacking based site I own also.

Please no 'smart' comments

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