UK People Search

He has: 377 posts

Joined: May 2005


If anyone wants to review my website that'd be great. Still optimising it for google and i need more links and some more content but what do you think so far?

If you want to swpa links I'd like that too Wink


dojo's picture

She has: 87 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

It looks like a blog to me Wink Try to use a non serif font and make an image for the header. You could also try to center the entire site, not bad anyway ... keep us posted on the updates

They have: 26 posts

Joined: Aug 2003

The site is not bad, its simple, but whats bothering me is how the banner just seems to get cut off at the right.

demonhale's picture

He has: 3,278 posts

Joined: May 2005

Yup, looks plain and more like a template... You need to spice things up... Anyway the kiss method is quite evident and thats a good practice...
You could float and center the body, as well as transfer the other infos from the left to the right to balance the site a little bit...
Keep us posted...

02bunced's picture

He has: 412 posts

Joined: May 2005

Site could not be found....

He has: 698 posts

Joined: Jul 2005

It is very simple, which has been said, but it is not bad. I think you need to use some borders, or gradients, or some method of ending the header, so it doesn't just stop. Also, the sidebars could use some borders to make it look more squared away. Overall, it's not bad. Good luck with your site. Wink


mfdc's picture

They have: 160 posts

Joined: Aug 2004

as previously said, you need to 'up' the site design by taking away the 'template' feel. It looks like Wordpress or something!

I would like to discuss content with you if I may, firstly, the service your offering is very 'grey' in terms of the legality. You actually have to be a registered professional & saying you have access to various 'databases' is far to vaugue. Also, your text is written in such a way that makes you sound like a complete amateur & is also reflected in your costings.

To convince your audience this is a proper set up, you need to completley re draft your opening text. Examples are 'Hi I'm Andy,' or 'I always endeavour' just amkes it sound like a CV. This I think, is one of the few sites where you would probably benefit from writing in the third person (IE, we ) which even though its just you, will give a much more profressional feel.

I know someone that does this in both USA & the UK, and belive me, you have to be registered with about seven different regulartory bodies whose logos should be displayed on your site also. Im not saying you cant do this yourself, but its certainley borderline legal, following people around & investigating as a member of the public - even if the service your offering is legitimate.

You should have a think about the way your sites worded. Have you been doing this for long ? A professional investigator will have access to PNC/DVLA & various other databases. i suspect for £39.99 (if successful) you are just using databases that are publicly accessable. Sell yourself as to why someone should want 'you' to do it as opposed to themselves.

'Please note that can't guarantee the success of my UK people search investigations, and I charge some of the fee upfront to cover my expenses and time. This is non-refundable. No one works for nothing!'

The last bit - no one works for nothing , although true, just adds & exemplifies to what Im trying to show you, its looks very unprofessional.

'Full database search
Phone book
Public records
Talk to suspects
Local enquiries '

I have access to all these from my own PC - just like most people, why should someone pay you money to do it ?


Hopefully you'll understand my points & not be offended as nonoe was meant, its certainley a cracking job in terms of design for your first site, but the subject matter is very very complex Smiling

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