Hi, it's good to be back here!
I would really appreciate it if you gave me your overall impression of my redesigned font site:
Download as many fonts as you please!
~ Tim
[This message has been edited by tim (edited 01 April 2000).]
[This message has been edited by tim (edited 03 April 2000).]
Suzanne posted this at 21:58 — 1st April 2000.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
April Fool.
Well, first of all, this year the 4th is a Tuesday, second of all, a site with nothing on it but links to other sites (and very few of those) isn't particularly critiqueable.
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
tim posted this at 22:22 — 1st April 2000.
They have: 22 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
Do I detect some sarcasm? It wasn't an April Fools joke.
The correct URL is
and not
http://ttf.eosnet.com/ <-- wrong
Suzanne posted this at 23:41 — 1st April 2000.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Nope, not sarcasm! Thanks for the corrected url...
Funky look, I like it. I am a confessed fontaholic, so I shouldn't be looking, anyway! Quick look says that the background images are really interesting, and I like looking around. Good graphics, clear and fast loading. The navigation seems to get me where I am going quickly but you need to unlink the link on the page I am currently on.
Surface opinion -- like! Like a lot.
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
Rob Pengelly posted this at 00:12 — 2nd April 2000.
They have: 850 posts
Joined: Jul 1999
It is differen't , but I like it. I find the text on the side menu a little hard to read, maybe make it a darker colour.
You should really have a logo (or maybe I missed it) and center the "Welcome" and make it a little smaller.
I don't really like the side menu on the right side, it looks out of place. Maybe if you make it a little more distinct (add borders around it or somthing?) it may look a little better.
Good job though ! I will be surfing your page for a while looking at fonts
L34RN |-|0\/\/ T0 5P34K L33T JU5T L1K3 4N 40L |-|4X4R
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Justin S posted this at 02:30 — 2nd April 2000.
They have: 2,076 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Very nice!
1) I really like the retro look.
2) I would make the .ttf logo on the pages a little bit bigger.
3) Maybe some type of style sheets would be nice for the side menu. Mouseovers that is.
Very good!
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dangelo posted this at 03:41 — 2nd April 2000.
They have: 152 posts
Joined: Dec 1999
Very good, I like the look. Just two small things:
Make some rollovers on the links, which brings me to my next point...
...the links on the left might be hard to rea because they are white. I've always believed that you should use the opposite color of your background for links, or something close. I dunno, call me stupid, its just what I believe.
Overall, I like the look, maybe you should make a little more text on the front page. Really come out and say what .ttf is all about.
Hope this helps...
-RJ D'Angelo
AOL: dangelofly
AIM: flying cow 1016
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-RJ D'Angelo
[email protected]
dangelo posted this at 03:45 — 2nd April 2000.
They have: 152 posts
Joined: Dec 1999
Forgot to mention:
You need a logo, I like the one in the left corner. Why dont you put it on the top?
And why are you advertising other free-font sites on your page?
-RJ D'Angelo
AOL: dangelofly
AIM: flying cow 1016
Email: [email protected]
-RJ D'Angelo
[email protected]
tim posted this at 10:55 — 2nd April 2000.
They have: 22 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
I hope the logo on the right-hand side of the page (the big .ttf) is big enough!
And it's necessary today to link to related sites. That way, they link back and I get more unique visitors than I would have otherwise. And visitors will only leave the site if they aren't enjoying it.
Denmark 3 posted this at 03:26 — 3rd April 2000.
They have: 881 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
I keep getting an error about some counter thing or somethin. Too many counts? Oh well...
~Parker Trasborg~
Dumby of the 21st Century
tim posted this at 20:17 — 3rd April 2000.
They have: 22 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
It was a MySQL error, due to not enough database power.
For that reason I've changed the site - anyone care to comment on it (new URL: http://ttf.eosnet.com/ )
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