Hi there,
I was wondering is people could tell me what they think of my web site.
Also I have been told by an individual that whehn they try and log on to my web site they click on the image on the opening page then all that happens is the right frame loads in the centre of the window. Nothing else happens, none of the links work when they lick on them either. Why does this happen? And how can it be fixed?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Megan posted this at 19:09 — 4th December 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
It works fine for me - maybe you got it fixed?? Wait a minute... weird things are happening when I resize my window! I can't figure out what the problem is - I'm not exactly an expert on frames though. If you don't get an answer in this thread try the HTML & Javascript forum. You do have a lot of extra tags in there, like Span class="stevelinks" is defined about 4 or 5 times around the Gig Guide link. You should also keep in mind that not everyone will have Matisse ITC on their systems (I'm not sure how common that font is), so you might want to define a couple more options in your stylesheet just in case.
I really like the graphic you have on the splash page, but it doesn't really match with the rest of the site. I would change one to match the other. Maybe adding the brick wall background to the splash page would work... The graphic in the pop-up window doesn't match the other designs either
You have to do something with the animated header you've got on the main page so that the "Stouffa" text stays up all together for longer periods of time. I hope this makes sense - the letters keep disappearing which makes it hard to read the text.
I really don't like how you've put your navigation text on white backgrounds - it doesn't look right. It would look better to make that text blue to match the brick wall background and put on just on a black background instead of white. Or the text could be blue and change to white on mouseover.
I do like that brick wall background though - what I would do is get rid of the black frames on the sides and put the whole design on top of that background with white text.
One more thing - don't center paragraphs of text. It makes it hard to read.
P.S. Welcome to TWF! I hope you'll stick around and participate in our forums. I'm listening to "Strange Things Happen" right now (just out of curiosity) - sounds good! Kind of like the Barenaked Ladies!
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