Review Request :
This is our brand new site. The hosting part isn't up yet, but we are doing the web design and SEO.
I'd really like a hear some good criticisms here. It's important we get it right.
Here she is:
Edward Hide
Busy posted this at 09:45 — 26th January 2003.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
Looks very templatey (don't worry, I make up words as I go ) also load time is on the slow side (108kb) over a minute to fully load on dialup.
The banner is ok but hard to make out the actual letters.
You also have a few typos in your main page.
You should look into moving your style sheet to a linked .css file, makes editing pages way easier. also use less html and more css (loose the font tags etc)
I think the thing that gets me the most os the stripes and squares, maybe one or the other but not both, but hey I'm no fashion guru
Renegade posted this at 10:01 — 26th January 2003.
He has: 3,022 posts
Joined: Oct 2002
It looks actually I don't have any complaints.
But, I do have two comments, try preloading your rollover images and the "Quality Web Hosting" link doesn't work, it goes to lunarpages or soemthing
The Webmistress posted this at 11:16 — 26th January 2003.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
I actually quite like this but IMO the font of the banner doesn't suit the rest of the site and that first page is way to texty (see I can make up words as well!) and needs to broken up, people don't tend to read hige chunks of text, especially on this type of site. The first page should be a lead in to what you do containing the most important info in bullet points to grab people's attention. Also the links down the right hand side look to me like they should change colour on hover, or the little diamonds should.
Good start
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
Edward07 posted this at 20:08 — 26th January 2003.
They have: 10 posts
Joined: Jan 2003
Thank you, all.
The text on the pages is long, but it's not meant to be read. It's just there for search engines.
And thanks for bringing the typos to my attention.
Edward Hide
Megan posted this at 14:46 — 27th January 2003.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I'm sorry, but I find that annoying. I think that you should always be catering to your users over the search engines. How are your users going to get the most out of your site when you're talking to the search engines? Wouldn't it be better to optimize the pages for selling rather than search engines? Doesn't matter if you get a lot of hits when those hits aren't going to end up buying your product.
On the front page, for example, it would be much better to have more specific and obvious information about what you're offering. Any special deals on? What can I get for $10/month? What's your lowest priced plan? What can I expect in terms of technical support? I shouldn't have to read all of that stuff to get the information I'm looking for. Honestly, if I was looking for hosting I would head elsewhere pretty quick.
I've said many times around here that I'm not too keen on the shades of blue look - it's not that it's a bad look, it's just really overdone. The introduction of some colour would make this much more interesting. I do like the different textures you've used in the design.
Looking at your text - why aren't you using the standard HTML formatting? Paragraphs should have a space between them. It makes things easier to read, and the tag does this nicely so I don't understand why you wouldn't use it. Paragraphs are much too long for the most part too.Also, the h1, h2 etc. tags do a good job of formatting headers (and from what I understand the search engines do notice their importance), so I don't understand why you wouldn't use those either.
I think that the standard HTML formatting elements usually do a good job of making things look good and, more importantly, easier to read. I also think that a lot of this text should be broken up more, using bulleted lists and such to make it easier for people to get a quick idea of what you offer.
Overall the design isn't bad, I just think it could use improvement and you definitely need to focus more on selling your products.
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The Webmistress posted this at 15:21 — 27th January 2003.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
I agree with Megan that it is the user that the site should be made for and it is easy to get a nice balance between the two. You don't need that much text to be SE friendly and even if you do you can make it appealing to the eye!
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
hclear posted this at 14:02 — 3rd February 2003.
They have: 36 posts
Joined: Oct 2002
The letters on ur logo are hard to make out, the text on the front page babbles on and is too much of a ' we are the best, all the others are cons'sort of thing and is boring. The site has no real fell to it, it just appears and thats that, perhaps some flash or something to liven it up. Other wise its ok.
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