Review Request:

They have: 15 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

This is a website for local airsoft team I play on so tell me what you think and any crits or ideas. Thanks

teammatt3's picture

He has: 2,102 posts

Joined: Sep 2003

wow looks awesome, nice graphics, but the color of most of the links look bad, (blue) I would change them to a light grey such as #666666

amrod's picture

They have: 26 posts

Joined: Jan 2004

nice, but all the different pages open in a different window.

They have: 88 posts

Joined: Feb 2004

looks good, I would center the whole site though.

He has: 173 posts

Joined: Nov 2002

Yes, the graphics look good. Speaking of color, well there isn't too much to speak of really, but it may have something to do with the subject of the site (?). I also don't care for the dark blue links . . . maybe a lighter blue such as #99CCFF or something similar would look better on the dark gray. Not sure if #666666 would be seen clearly over this color either. The visited link color looks okay, though.

The Webmistress's picture

She has: 5,586 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

Thanks for reviwing some of the others sites Smiling

I get a horizontal scrollbar at 800*600 on IE6 (because your main table is set to 800) and at higher resolutions I think it looks a bit odd with it being stuck to the left hand side with the white background looking ever so stark in contrast - I'd make the page background black whether you centre it or not.

You are using font tags but you haven't specified an actual font so it is pulling the default TNR which doesn't look good. IMO I would learn css now as it'll make all sorts of things easier for you!

I find the text for the links to be a tad small to read comfortably and I also agree about the link colours - again something for css.

Good start though!

Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

You should make the logo text stand out more. It fades so much into the background that you can hardly see it. I also think it should be more to one side instead of centered. Move the shooter guy on the left and put the logo there instead. Then put more shooters or something to the right so it balances better and there isn't a huge gap in between.

I agree with Webmistress about the fonts. Change that to a sans-serif or a nice serif (like Georgia or Garamond). The whole site will look much better that way. I also agree about the blue links.

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