REVIEW REQUEST: Starcraft Studio
Hiya. My account was BboyEra, until it was deleted for some reason. Anyway I'm now under the handle "Era". I'd like to know what you all think of this new layout I'm designing.
Hiya. My account was BboyEra, until it was deleted for some reason. Anyway I'm now under the handle "Era". I'd like to know what you all think of this new layout I'm designing.
Megan posted this at 03:13 — 15th November 2002.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Seems pretty typical for a gaming site - black background, three column layout, kinda the usual. That's a really neat looking header graphic, but I find that the most interesting parts of it, towards the right side, are being cut off even at high resolutions (I run at 1280, but I had my hotlist turned on because usually the full width is too wide for normal browsing). I would rethink the way that graphic is positioned - it would be good to move things around a bit so the orangey/purpley parts show more.
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Busy posted this at 03:17 — 15th November 2002.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
That is one big page, over 378kb which is real slow loading on 56k.
I loaded it on mozilla and Opera both have different top banners, middle banners havent loaded in opea yet and its been over 4 mins
The date at the top is wrong, use Javascript for date and time, not PHP
You have bit of a horz scroll bar at 800x600 because of the xyweb banner
The links at the very top don't look like links, I thought it was SE words at first then maybe an error (text out of place). I'd change your link colors, having links the same as the text is very confusing.
Just looked in your source code, you need to fix it, you have a few head, body, html and end tags of the same all over the place, here is one section:
then a table, then end /body and /html tags, then more tables, then anotehr /body and /html set then your scripts then another.
when you include files, just include the content, dont use the basic html tags in them.
Some of your code is HTML, the rest is XHTML, you should try keep to one.
Should look good with some content, but try get the file sizes down
The Webmistress posted this at 08:39 — 15th November 2002.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
For a gaming site this looks good. I agree with what the other two have said, especially the banner - move the right side images into the middle more - and the links at the top, I didn't really notice them until I read what Busy had said about them, IMO they shouldn't be above the banner at the top. Good work!
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
Renegade posted this at 10:09 — 15th November 2002.
He has: 3,022 posts
Joined: Oct 2002
yay! another starcraft site
expect me to comeback and back and back... i love that game 
and yes, i also have to agree with what the others have sed too, try to clean up ur coding and try not to make ur games site so "typical"
disaster-master posted this at 14:17 — 15th November 2002.
She has: 2,154 posts
Joined: May 2001
There is a horizonal scroll.
Load time on my dialup took quiet a while. I don't think the image at the top is that big in file size. I would be inclined to say that load time is increased due to the errors in your code.
You could use Net Mechanic to find any mistakes in your code.
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