Not a whole lot works yet on this site, mainly just got some of the graphics up and a couple links.
if you go to you'll see the older layout, which is what I'm currently revamping.
[ FinalCreations ]
Not a whole lot works yet on this site, mainly just got some of the graphics up and a couple links.
if you go to you'll see the older layout, which is what I'm currently revamping.
[ FinalCreations ]
Brooke posted this at 16:33 — 5th April 2002.
She has: 681 posts
Joined: Feb 1999
Just a few things that I noticed on your site.
1. it is too dark in my opinion. Maybe use white or light gray where the text is
2. I think that backgrounds do not look good. Maybe get rid of that background behind the text and use one of the colors that I mentioned above
3. I think that the headers are too big. Try making them smaller
That is it for now. You are doing a good job!
disaster-master posted this at 16:40 — 5th April 2002.
She has: 2,154 posts
Joined: May 2001
The banner on the new one is a huge improvement. I don't think the background that you have in the body part matches the feel of the site though. That background is so 90's looking to me and makes the text harder to read. Especially the italic text. Speaking of italic, why don't you use the
You have many spelling errors.
In your code:
You need to add the style type to your style tag;
There is a little bit of a horizontal scroll at 800X600.
I am not crazy about the green on black colors that you are using but that is a personnal preferrence.
taff posted this at 20:19 — 5th April 2002.
They have: 956 posts
Joined: Jun 2001
Why do gaming sites insist on being so dark? I game quite a bit. For the most part, computer games are bright and colourful.
/rant off
I really dislike the background texture behind the text. It just makes things harder to read than they aleady are, given the colour scheme.
The logo has potential - too bad it is so marginalized.
Give your elements room to breathe. As it is now, the screen is just jam packed at every resolution. Use your whitespace (blackspace in your case, ) it is a legitimate and important design tool
openmind posted this at 20:58 — 5th April 2002.
He has: 945 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
Sideways scroll at 800x600 even in full screen mode which makes reading text a little tricky.
The background behind your text is not so good as it makes the page look lopsided IMO. If you want a background graphic, spread it across the page but don't place too much emphasis on it. One trick that might work for you is to fix the background graphic so it doesn't scroll. Just define it in the body tage like so:
<body background="yourgraphic.gif" bgproperties="fixed">
'For the text under the menu headers it loks a little disjointed and lonely The header graphics are cool but maybe extende the borders for the tables to encapsulate the text as well.
Love the logo Very cool indeed! But why have it lumped over on the right? Maybe centralize it or left-justify and try and make that background effect you got going fade away into the background which will make it look less cropped.
Loads real fast and overall an improvement on the old site! Keep it up!!
FinalMjolnir666 posted this at 21:10 — 5th April 2002.
They have: 45 posts
Joined: Feb 2002
Okay, I'm only here for a second so I'll just quickly address some stuffo.
I wanted to use a wallpaper image for the background and set it to fixed but I realized too late that my menu images couldn't be transparent (when .gif they look far too pixilized), so I'm thinking about remaking a different set of menu images that'll work better with a background image.
As for gaming sites being dark... eh, I kinda like them dark, not saying theres anything wrong with lighter colors, I just like the darker colors (easier on the eyes).
With the .css include, I used the PHP include function and everything is working fine, do I need the text/css html thing or not?
[ FinalCreations ]
Blue posted this at 04:38 — 14th April 2002.
They have: 112 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
The logo is good. I would make the background of the text lighter and please please please make the text darker, ie black, so it is readable. I have my monitor on low brightness as probably a lot of people do and I hate not being able to read what is written. When it is so hard to read that I have to highlight the text to get a better contrast something has to be done. It may or may not be cool but the best reading colour for text is still black on a white background. At least use black on a light colour or grey background.
I think the black background can work well with the grey and blue but fix the test and put a bit of colour in the site.
That's a weird effect how the logo stays put when you scroll but interesting. Make sure it doesn't clash with what scrolls over it.
The Webmistress posted this at 10:19 — 14th April 2002.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
I see that you have changed the background again. On my screen at 1152x864 it tiles so that I get everything starting again on the right and it looks odd. I also don't particularly like the way the logo stays put as part of the background. I would also agree that the text gets kinda hard to read and the orange doesn't work well on the light grey and the first page is way, way too long IMO
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 11:08 — 14th April 2002.
He has: 3,348 posts
Joined: Jul 2001
Ehh, bg3.jpg takes ages to load up on my 56k.
Other than what's been said, I'm not too keen on the thick borders. posted this at 15:15 — 14th April 2002.
They have: 7 posts
Joined: Apr 2002
Perhaps a much darker color would do for the main text on the front page. It seems a bit faint and hard to read. Otherwise great site.
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