Review Request : 50LEAVES
Website made for a rock band from England.
Guidelines given were to produce a clean, toned down, simple site, that's easy to navigate around.
Band were very happy with it, and we did well from the site, but I'd like more feedback on it please.
(Menu is a bit GAH! in Firefox at the mo...)
teammatt3 posted this at 17:35 — 19th June 2004.
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I hate those entry pages where you have to click a link to get in.
I like the colors and the navigation. Very clean and simple.
DaveyBoy posted this at 17:44 — 19th June 2004.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
Yeah i know thats probably going to be a redirect to the index, if i have my way it will be eventually. The band wanted the entry page, i didnt. Their site though i guess.
Thanks mate.
Temudzin posted this at 14:34 — 20th June 2004.
They have: 42 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Very cool site! Seems you have a good taste with graphics. Navigation is also simply. Thought "Misc" isn't very good name for link. If you can get rid of that red pop-up, it's annoying like popups always are.
DaveyBoy posted this at 21:54 — 20th June 2004.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
Thanks mate, myself and the uWired team really need feedback like this, so thank you! The pop up isnt gonna be there long, a couple of days only, just to make sure people attend this important gig.
Roo posted this at 22:17 — 20th June 2004.
She has: 840 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
Jeez, I thoght I had commented on this. It's very well done. I just have two compalints:
I agree about a useless splash page. Why force a click to get to the meat?
There a bit too much of a gap at the top at 800 X 600.
DaveyBoy posted this at 22:20 — 20th June 2004.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
yeah i know, was worried about the 800x600 issue, we originally had that link to the micro site in the footer, then realised its not possible to see it on 800x600 without scrolling down.
Re: the splash page, probably getting rid of it
Thanks for the comments.
sumeiko posted this at 05:03 — 21st June 2004.
He has: 147 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Really nice site! Very clean looking and easy to navigate. Looks great.
Marje posted this at 13:56 — 21st June 2004.
They have: 11 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
Good work .... Overall, this is a nice site ... be sure to stick it in your portfolio. It's a keeper. In fact I'm bookmarking it myself.
I have just a few comments:
1. Of course you're going to want to validate the site (all pages):
2. Nice design and layout; nice color palette ... very easy on the eye.
3. Nice graphics at left ... did you do that in Flash?
4. This should be the home page ... For lots of reasons, but mainly search engines. They are looking for visible text. Also, the fewer clicks to get to the content the better.
5. You will also want to add metatags ... Google is still looking at the "description" metatag.
6. I would like to have seen this site done without tables.
7. Also, why don't you have a "home" button ... or at least make the top right logo a link to home?
8. External Files: another nod to the search engines ... put your styles and javascript in external files. Your server will love you too.
DaveyBoy posted this at 14:28 — 21st June 2004.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
1. Yeah looking into validating it all
3. Gfx werent done in flash, its a few photoshop effects.
4. Yeah, probably moving the first page to index.php
5. Thanks for that, had totally forgotten about meta tags
6. We havent learnt CSS to that sort of degree yet, but i dont mind using tables at all.
8. The main CSS file is an external file, sometimes we added into the code, dunno why.
Thanks for the review
Marje posted this at 15:43 — 21st June 2004.
They have: 11 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
You may want to read a few articles on tableless layouts.
The layout is dead, long live the layout
Why avoiding tables (for layout) is important
Here's an intro "how to" on tableless layouts
Help in making the transition to CSS layout with examples
Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks, & Techniques
HTH .... Marje
DaveyBoy posted this at 15:48 — 21st June 2004.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
yeah i know, but atm am happy enough using them.
RichMV posted this at 01:29 — 22nd June 2004.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
I liked the site. Clean easy to navigate and all of that. There were just two things I think worth mentioning.
I, like most people, hate pop-ups. This one is not that bad and is directly related to the site, so much more acceptable than most. The problem is the black on red. To me it is hard to read. Needs more contrast between the text and the background color.
The other thing is the small text. Granted I am in the over 50 group, but I do have a large monitor and still I have to squint at that small text. I am a firm believer in slighly larger text.
I did like the feel and style of the site though.
Have a good one
Are you PIMP enough to play?
DaveyBoy posted this at 06:49 — 22nd June 2004.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
The red and black on there isn't our choice, its actually a flyer for the event, than we just scanned in and made as a pop up.
Text size, we usually find that 11px is big enough for almost everyone to be able to read properly, granted some of it is small, though.
Thanks for the review
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