Review of my tutorial site...

They have: 26 posts

Joined: Mar 2007

My site is at

I have a pretty basic design (intentionally)

Just wondering what you think.

Also if you can comment on the layout of the sample videos that would help.

Do you think I should make the IFRAME video screen any different (maybe get rid of the borders)

Free HTML, Dreamweaver, & FrontPage Video Tutorials

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

He has: 1,502 posts

Joined: Sep 2006

I like the simple design. The iFrame videos are also a good idea. I would remove the border on the iFrame and make the video links appear on the left or right of the iFrame. It took me a few seconds to find them.

I always find those long sales pages for eBooks annoying. Most of the information those eBooks contain can be located for free on the internet. If you want to make money from a free information website, you may want to look into advertising.

benj's picture

They have: 36 posts

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jesse1;217268 wrote: My site is at

I have a pretty basic design (intentionally)

Just wondering what you think.

Also if you can comment on the layout of the sample videos that would help.

Do you think I should make the IFRAME video screen any different (maybe get rid of the borders)

I think you have a good basic design, and it's a great start.

I would maybe try to minimize the content on the home page. Like have a different page for each of your headers (Free sample training videos, free training courses via email, paid full membership options). Just so it's not as cluttered, and so it "draws" people deeper into the website.

Now, I would probably Center the entire page, as it is right now, it just expands at the middle (you know what i mean)... I would cut the site at the "support" link at the top, and have the whole site be in the center of the page.

You could also get rid of the few pixel margin at the top and bottom of the page... even though that's a small/minor thing, it will make it look more professional.

Good Luck!

They have: 3 posts

Joined: Apr 2007

I think its good to have your site as simple as possible. Your horizontal navigation does all the explaining since if I am a student I would have no problem finding what I want.

They have: 16 posts

Joined: May 2006

I really like the site. I just say the blue when you put the mouse over the menu options might be a tad strong

Fusionball's picture

He has: 11 posts

Joined: Apr 2007

I enjoyed your site.

A couple of observations:

  1. Liked the PRICES highlighed in yellow - good call.
  2. Website color and blends are good.
  3. No "back to top" hyperlinks during or at end of page.
  4. Could add a small overview of items at the top with hyperlink "bookmarks" down to that description/item.
  5. This is only personal taste - All your hyperlinks on the all pages were underlined. You could have them with NO underline UNTIL they are hover on.
  6. The RED Font could be a little bit smaller.

I enjoyed the site and will be visiting again for personal use.



She has: 5 posts

Joined: Apr 2007

The simple design works well for your site and it's immediately obvious to the visitor what the website is all about.
I think you will get a lot of return visitors because what you are offering sounds tempting and useful.

I do agree though, with the previous poster who suggested that you Centre the page - it just looks a little off balance as it is.

They have: 426 posts

Joined: Feb 2005

All looks good however your 4 login sections are out of place. Why not apply another column next to the right column and have another column just for text. Maybe it will be more readable. Nice logo.

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