Quick web site review. Need sugestions.

They have: 3 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Hello again webmasters!
I once more seek the words of others to assist
in my endeavors.
Take a quick look at my web site and give me your
take on it.
Please understand that the site is just a test bed.
Thus your input is Very Valuable.
Thank you in advance.
Kevin Rinehartt

PS. Please be quite frank. I'm a grown man. I can
handle criticism. Smiling

Justin S's picture

They have: 2,076 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

URL: http://www.idealhost.com

Well that's good that we can be quite frank. Though most people get quite frank from me even if they don't ask Smiling Anyway...

1) The logo. It looks cheesy and unprofessional to me. It's probably because of that clip-art tuxedo. It really isn't working. And then you just have the plain text name. Blah! You need something catchy that has pizzaz.

2) The background. I really don't like it as it is right now, but I think I know how you can fix it. Make the words farther apart, and make the text almost impossible to see (try using color: R 228 G 228 B 228 or even lighter).

3) The navigation. It's layed out well, but I don't like the tuxedo image flip thing going on. Just makes the page look more cheesy.

4) The rounded corners. The corners on the top of the main content area need to have a transparent backround so you can see the page background through the image.

Overall I think the page needs to be more professional and designed better for anyone to consider using your services. Your services look good, but you're not displaying them correctly with this design.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I agree with everything that Justin said. Another major problem is that you've got way too many font styles and colours on there. Streamlining it to one basic font style, with maybe a few words bolded for emphasis (and larger headers of course) would really help a lot. He he. I was just thinking that this site looks like it was made with composer and sure enough...

Why the tuxedo thing anyway? Maybe a stylized version of IH would be better for a logo. Those 3d buttons are just not looking good either. Just a tacky effect IMHO.

They have: 472 posts

Joined: Oct 1999

Overall, your website looks confusing to me. I think you should change the background.

Denmark 3's picture

They have: 881 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

I agree with everything Justin said. Smiling

They have: 14 posts

Joined: Jul 2000

Justin is correct about everything. Restart the site from the beginning... Think about simplicity and professionalism. Loose the cheezy background, keep it white in most cases and you'll do fine. You want a functional, yet informative site as a web host. Make your site that of an "ideal host", not that of an amateur. Wish you best of luck.

David from http://www.web-master.tv
The site for webmasters.

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