Please review whataforums

They have: 2 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Please review my site

my site is and please review it. P.S. IF YOU CAN, GIVE ME TIPS ON SEO PAGERANK AND MY SITE.


Social networking... in the next level.

Markwest's picture

They have: 51 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Quite good one. But you should ride away at the fonts matter, make them more readable and pleasing for reading. Also I disliked that video, starting automatically. That feature can be really stressing. Allow your visitor to decide whether listen it or not.
Then, in registration line (Hello, please) there is a mistake. Check that. And that line creeps onto the nav bar or it was made for a certain purpose. Will advice to remove that item into another place.
In general, may suggest to add more content, cause the website looks a bit empty!

They have: 2 posts

Joined: May 2011

I like the freshness of the site. The colors are quite a good match too. What I'd try to do is incorporate some kind of quick intro on what the site is about, so new visitors will know what they can find here (more than the socializing part, that doesn't really tell me much).

Also the topic of legibility of the text has been adresses above, I agree. Try to make the background a hue of the current pattern so it's a little easier on the eyes.

Good luck!


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