Please Review: Naslund World

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Joined: Feb 2004

Still have yet to release it, needs a bit of tweaking here and there, but it's near completion.

PS: Still new to layout designing, so I'm not good at this.

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Joined: Nov 2003

WOw way too much blue in this site get some different colors in there other than that I say its ok since your new to designing layouts. Just work it to death and then your done.

The Webmistress's picture

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I personally think that you should fill the screen width ways at 800*600 so that when it is viewed at higher resolutions is doesn't look quite so lost! I also think that it is much too blue, you need some other colours to break it up and give things definition. I see that you have asked for someone to help with doing a new top banner for you, I would suggest that either that has a different colouring to it or that you opt for a white background to your space outside the table with the content.

Can't really comment on too much else as there is no content to the site yet but don't have all your links opening new browser windows!

Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....

Megan's picture

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I noticed that you're looking for someone to do a header graphic for you. That would be a good starting point for the site design.

The biggest problem I have with this site is that it doesn't look like the Vancouver Canucks. It could be anybody. Try to pull in their team colours more. Maybe base the design one one of their jerseys. I think a white base with blue and black accents would be nice. Or you could go the other way. It might be a neat idea to do a navbar based on the stripes on the jersey.

This is the team's official site:

I don't like the way they've used the red there. I would go with more white/black/blue scheme for your site, possibly with some red accents. Blue should be an accent, as it is on the jerseys, not a base colour.

Did they change those jerseys recently? For some reason I remember them being nicer than that. Haven't been watching much hockey this season.

They have: 88 posts

Joined: Feb 2004

All right, made a totally new layout using blue, green, white, a bit of grey and lime, based on the vintage jersey's. Please tell me what you think.

disaster-master's picture

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I like the green and blue one best but have you considered removing the background images? The background makes it look awful "busy" IMO.

The navigation needs something different. The ">" sign that you are using before each link looks out of place to me. Have you thought about make a little bitty hockey puck image to go there instead of the ">"? A yellow one would look nice.

Nice start icerider. Smiling
BTW, I think ice hockey is just the coolest sport.

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Joined: Mar 2004

Lots of links are broken and the webpage should fill the screen at 800*600 resolution as stated eariler. If you want anyone to go back to your website, I would suggest a shorter domain. If you dont wanna pay for a domain name, even a free shortened one would be easier to remember.

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It's just an alpha template so none of the links work yet. I also have a shorter domain, I'll see if i can get it to fill the screen for 800x600.

taff's picture

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I'm not sure which version I'm walking into here but this is too wide for 800x600. There is a bit of horizontal scroll. Your layout table is 754 but you also have to consider natural margins and padding. I like the second beta much better but you could lighten things up a bit and use the colour combo a little more sparingly. For me it is a little like staring at a blue/green checkerboard. On the other hand, it is a tad early here.

Another suggestion is to round the corners of the layout similar to the corners of the Canuck's logo you are using. Speaking of which, is that the current Vancouver logo?


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Joined: Feb 2003

i think the way you layout the table for season stats really kinda kill it a bit(lighten up on the colours for that table to a much lighter blue) overall i think it looks very clean, the puck graphic on the left needs reworking as i think you used a transparent gif on it and the white kinda shows up a bit and gives it a unpolish feel to it, also possibly lighten up on the puck or the green background, as at a quick glance i really couldnt tell you if that was actually meant to be a bullet or a puck.

taff suggest a very gr8 idea that if you could rounded the corners and blend in with the logo, i think you will find a great impact to the overall feel to yoursite, but be warned, lol, i ve just been toying around with a site that uses a rounded frame, and you will find that some contents will require the same sort of effect to be really effective, but well worth the effort.


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Joined: Feb 2004

Thanks, any ideas on the colour?

And no, it's a vintage logo they wore 30 years ago, their current one is the orca one.

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Mar 2004

Overall I think its a good design. I would maybe consider using an external style sheet to have some more choices on text size. It will also considerably speed up loading time, although it isn't too bad currently.

She has: 4 posts

Joined: Mar 2004

Second design looks good, very well oranganised Smiling

tenchi_63's picture

He has: 78 posts

Joined: Dec 2003

This second update is defintely an upgrade from the last. However, I couldn't help but get lost in the checker board design. Tone it down a bit. You can stick to your white and green color scheme, but vary a little by using different shades of each color. Much better though. Keep working on it.

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