Please review my website

They have: 4 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Hi, just completed a website for a school project.

1. Use the drop-down menu or the bottom pictures to browse visa requirements for that country.
2. Choose the visa type.
3. Read the requirements and applicable forms for that visa.
4. select the price under desired process time.
5. Fill out the form (use fake credentials - it's just a demo).

The form will not submit if there's missing info.

Please let me know what you think.

Thank You.

joyyan's picture

They have: 4 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Hi, i reviewed it but the internet speed is bad..
Is it all website have this speed when you browse from abroad?
Can you help me to test my website speed? Thank you!

Markwest's picture

They have: 51 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

A page loading time is fine by me, I hadn't any problems with that.
So, for a school project it's cool enough.
As to color combination, you should try a darker color for a navigation bar, cause for now it seems to be tonelees a bit. Also I suggest to make more creative logo, present one looks simple.
Then, you've presented some country price blocks, the pictures are stretched and illegible as well. Try to fix that.
But still I'll repeat, you are schoolboy and your work for your level is really nice. Wish you luck!

They have: 11 posts

Joined: Dec 2010

yes for me ,,,,loading was well enough and as you have done it for a school project then you have done quite a fair job and i think if you have interest in web designing then you can do this even better.In this design you should do something more with the navigation bar ,,add any other color or something to make it more prominent.

They have: 4 posts

Joined: Apr 2012

I actually love this site! The simplicity in design is wonderful, and I love the colour contrast. I agree that the bottom 3 images should be higher resolution, they look as though they have been enlarged.
Also the drop-down menu seems out of place, it's kind of like web 1.0 smack dab in the middle of web 2.0. You should style it more consistently with the rest of the site.
Other than that, major kudos on the design.

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