Please review my site
Just completed my very first website and I would like to get some people to take a look at it and let me know. This website is for a school project, while I have some experience with programming and such, this is the first time that I have completed a website from the ground up so to speak. I know that it could be alot better, but I could use some tips and hints on how to get it to an acceptable level.
Everything does work, I know that I do I have issue with the shopping cart when hittin the back button on the browser, however this is a third party shopping cart and seems to be thier issue and as such I am not able to fix the issue. I have a few idea's already that I can do to improve the site, or that could make it better, which I will not list here as I want to see if other people see the same things that I do, here is the link to the site:
Megan posted this at 17:09 — 18th March 2013.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Hi jlarue80,
Welcome to the forums! Are you from Algonquin College, by any chance? It's that time of year again
May I ask what the purpose of your course is? Is it more of a web development course or a marketing course? Would you like more technical feedback, or more about the design and sales aspects of the site?
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jlarue80 posted this at 15:25 — 19th March 2013.
They have: 4 posts
Joined: Mar 2013
Hi Megan,
Yes I am from Algonquin College, the website for an E-Commerece class. I am basically looking for about the design and sales aspect of the site, would people purchase the items or request more info based on the site. Although I have not encountered any major techincal errors, if something major was to be found it be would good to be informed also, but primarily more concerned with the look and flow of the site.
cdaniels posted this at 21:28 — 21st March 2013.
They have: 1 posts
Joined: Mar 2013
Hello Jlarue80,
I am also here for an e-commerce class, tasked with critiquing people's websites, and I have a couple of suggestions. I like that your colour scheme is serious and business like seeing as your target customers are businesses. That being said, there are a couple of spelling errors in your "About Us" section and correcting those would improve professionalism. Also I found the heading "Pubsentials Glassware" a bit hard to read. One thing customers might be interested in is whether you offer discounted prices for bulk orders, and if so, what constitutes a bulk order. However overall, I found your site appropriate to your customers and easy to navigate.
Vsamra posted this at 03:47 — 22nd March 2013.
They have: 1 posts
Joined: Mar 2013
Hi jlarue80,
I noticed some theme adjustments that you might be interested in trying out to increase the appeal of your site. While I like the straightforward design of your page, I feel like it's a little too generic. Perhaps spicing up the font in some areas (not like rainbow style but something other than the boring usual fonts like Tahoma or Aerial) like in the Helpful Links section.
The social networking options are nice but maybe they can be made into the more accessible icon links? Perhaps you can add an option for tumblr and instagram for those picture people.
Helpful Tips is a good section for basic information on the different types of glassware for holding our cold beverages. A suggestion of mine might be renaming it to FAQ and adding a comment box to allow guests to post questions of their own?
Another sales idea would be to add other types of product materials such a wooden or metal pints.
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