Please Check This out
This is my beta for my redesign.
Please tell me if there are any bugs
This is my beta for my redesign.
Please tell me if there are any bugs
Megan posted this at 18:51 — 29th November 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
First of all, you need some sort of a logo. There's nothing here to make your site stand out - no creative graphics or anything like that. It's a rather boring design. There is no indication of what your site is about - that would be a good thing to add.
The green, however, is rather interesting and unique. Such a large area of solid, bright colour is rather overwhelming though. I would make the main page area white and leave the nav frame green. Then you could use green for the headers to make them stand out, and leave the body text black.
Speaking of the nav frame, you should make it a bit wider so that the text doesn't wrap. This might let you get rid of the tacky frame scrollbar too. The logo should go in the top corner of the frame.
For fonts, choose one for plain text and use it throughout the site (either serif or sans-serif, not both). I usually use an external stylesheet to make sure that this is consistent across the site.
Needless to say, the pop-up ads are extremely annoying and need to go.
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nike_guy_man posted this at 00:44 — 30th November 2000.
They have: 840 posts
Joined: Sep 2000
On my computer and other computers i've seen my site on, the text on the nav bar doesn't wrap.

Where can I get a logo?
I've been looking for one and trying to create one, but with no success.
I wanted both frames the same color so that it blends together...
Well thanks for your help, if you have any more advice please tell me.
Megan posted this at 18:56 — 30th November 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Hmm... my computer does weird things sometimes so maybe that's the problem with the frame.
For a logo, you could just try putting your site title in a unique font - if you look around, many of the most recognizable logos in the world are just the company name in a unique font.
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