My personal art n design portfolio. Hi to everyone, i'm a digital artist and designer.
Check out this All Flash site n u Flash designers gimme suggestion on how to improve its poor nav. I've spent all efforts on the graphic impact but i know navigation is terrible, something like "mysteryous"...
I'm redesigning all the site after 20 days from its launch and your suggestions will be fundamental. Thanks to all the designer will reply to this thread.
[Edited by Justin Stayton on 10-21-2000 at 09:35 AM]
Justin S posted this at 13:36 — 21st October 2000.
They have: 2,076 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
It's not connecting to the server for me
I'll try again in a few hours...
Megan posted this at 16:21 — 22nd October 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
You need to label things. Tell people, in words, where they are and where they're going. I get to the first page - the splash page - and all I see is that star design - no words to tell me where I am.
When I enter the site I get a 1024 x 768 pop-up window that is located partially off the screen (so I have to move it so I can see the whole thing). What if I was browsing at 800 x 600?
Now I'm into the main site, and I see three graphics on the right side that seem to be links, but I have no idea where they'll take me. I click on the bottom one but nothing seems to be happening, then after awhile a "links" button comes up. Then I click on links and am told to "plz wait"... Finally! Some content! There are headings there in a weird font that I can hardly read.
In short, you really need to make this more user friendly. Read up on usability. Jakob Neilsen's archive at should be helpful. As I said above - let people know where your links are sending them!
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Jack Michaelson posted this at 08:55 — 31st October 2000.
He has: 1,733 posts
Joined: Dec 1999
In a way I find it a little bit spooky... but I like it a lot!
nail posted this at 04:32 — 4th November 2000.
They have: 13 posts
Joined: Aug 2000
yeah its pretty spooky...but i like the way that effect is used...good job.
nike_guy_man posted this at 00:54 — 30th November 2000.
They have: 840 posts
Joined: Sep 2000
It would work fine but...
Flash didn't show for me
Might wanna make a page for non-flash people
Brooke posted this at 15:57 — 30th November 2000.
She has: 681 posts
Joined: Feb 1999
The flash loads, but the text and graphics keep jumping around so I can't read it.
When I click on ABOUT:
the links at the bottom are too close together - for a minute I thought it was a sentance.
when I click on news that's where the text and graphics are jumping around. Info does the same thing. When I click on the back arrow the stuff that's one the page stays there - it feels like it shouldn't.
When I click on ART:
the links once again are too close together.
When I click on GROWTH:
the links are too close together.
when I got to contact the text and graphics are jumping around too much.
same thing with links.
I really like the overall look of the site, but there are a few navigational issues that are making it difficult to get around. I also like the flash, but all the jumping around hurts my eyes and I just can't read the text.
nike_guy_man posted this at 04:07 — 2nd December 2000.
They have: 840 posts
Joined: Sep 2000
Freaked me out too!!!
overall nice though, nice layout nice load time...
Dark and spooky though
Mark Hensler posted this at 07:28 — 2nd December 2000.
He has: 4,048 posts
Joined: Aug 2000
Hey NUR,
What's up? Nice to see you on TWF, stick around!
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