New Graphics Site

They have: 24 posts

Joined: Jan 2000

I have just re-designed my web graphics site at Please go there and check it out. If you have a graphics site, please consider trading 88 x 31 links with me. If you are interested, post here or email me.

Ben Minton

The internet graphics place

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Brian Farkas's picture

They have: 1,015 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Ben, please post these types of messages in the web site critique area, not in the graphics/design forums. I am moving this post to the web site critique forums, but first I will give my critique:

- loading time a bit slow... try to reduce graphic sizes.
- Color combination doesn't go that well together. Green/blue/yellow/red don't mix.
- The overall layout isn't all that great

I recommend that you do two things:
1. Go to and take a look at some really good sites, they may give you ideas
2. You might also consider reading my web design tutuorial at

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