need thoughts on this site - .

They have: 88 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I am working on a site and I am not too happy with what my boss wants..

anybody have any ideas

Jody Samplonius

They have: 327 posts

Joined: Mar 1999

Hi Jody,
I think the site looks great except for the size and placement of the "roofing collection" logo.
could it be moved down a bit?
Also the subheading could be a graphic -- less jaggy.
Might add a little more space between the menu bar and the body text.
nice color combination, layout -- I think all of the logo's are a bit distracting but probably necessary and what the boss wants?

take care,

Carolyn Jones
icq# 5351437

They have: 88 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

thanks... I am begining to hate this job... I think the site is terrible... but Im getting paid for it

Jody Samplonius

They have: 2,390 posts

Joined: Nov 1998

My two tips would be:
- align the "
Who Says Beautiful Can't Be Practical" to the right of the page to move it away from the little logos.
- align the logos to te left to move them away from the text Smiling this will give you more white space between the columns.
+ I might also use more cell padding in the center column.

It looks good aoart from that.

The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.

They have: 677 posts

Joined: Mar 1999

i think it looks great.

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