much has been changed, could you have a look?
it's in german, so you have to concentrate you on the design...
much has been changed, could you have a look?
it's in german, so you have to concentrate you on the design...
Grandmaster posted this at 14:48 — 23rd November 2000.
They have: 677 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Nice choice of colors. I like those.
The flash intro is pretty good.
On the page after the flash page, everything other then the circles has a drop shadow, except 'go for the band', might wanna fix that.
On the inner pages i thought that the navigation part would be rounded too.. Make it rounded and i think it will work with the site better.
On the go for the band page, the lightblue/green color doesnt 'bend' out to the right side all the way. theres a few pixels of blue between that and the side of my browser window.
Pretty good site.
Ken Prescott
merlin posted this at 14:59 — 23rd November 2000.
They have: 410 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
thank you.
go for the band's fixed.
by navigation part you mean the 'go for ...'-subsites (like album, lyrics, stuff, ...)?
thanks for the compliments...!
BTW: that's my post no. 100! yiipeeee!
Denmark 3 posted this at 17:29 — 23rd November 2000.
They have: 881 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Looks good, I like it!
BTW, This is the 6000th post in the Website Critique Area.
Megan posted this at 21:02 — 23rd November 2000.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I really don't like that combination of green and blue - I would change one of them. The teal on the sub-pages just makes it worse. The mouseovers with the pictures are also a problem IMHO, because the pictures are so small that it's hard to see them. I also think that the drop shadow should be smaller (but then, big drop shadows are a pet peeve of mine)
I get a bit of a scroll bar on the secondary pages. A text menu at the bottom of the page would probably be helpful as well, so people don't have to scroll back up to the top. I also don't like how the teal inside background curves out on the right side- I think it should match the left side (if that makes sense)
On the "band" page you should have some paragraph breaks in the text to make it easier to read. Same problem on the "news" page (and that shade of green further worsens the aforementioned colour problems IMHO)
The basic layout looks nice though
It's interesting how the navigation on the sub-pages fits across my screen at 1024 but scales to fit on smaller resolutions (the images go to the next line) - a simple technique, yet effective I think. It would be good, though, if the "go" graphics lined up with each other vertically at smaller resolutions.
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Grandmaster posted this at 21:27 — 23rd November 2000.
They have: 677 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Yeah that bar..
merlin posted this at 06:25 — 24th November 2000.
They have: 410 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
thank you guys.
the color-combination is somehow risky, i know. but our logo's green and we wanted some fresh blue to state our image as a young band... probably i'll have to go over it again and make some adjustions...
and the thing with the sub-navigation... i think i had to do it with some gifs left and right of every bar? i'll go over it too ('cause i'm not that happy with it neither)...
thanks again
Brooke posted this at 16:28 — 27th November 2000.
She has: 681 posts
Joined: Feb 1999
I looked at your site, and then read the posts - I completely agree with Megan. The biggest problem I see is the color combination. The green of your logo just doesn't match the blue and teal.
Also, the pictures and logo that are in the hover buttons are very fuzzy looking. Those need to be cleaned up.
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