How is this?

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Joined: Jul 1999

I am doing a project for school to database hardware parts in the different stores in my area.

I am not the best designer, and I know there are a few problems (the logo at the top looks bad in the gray area).

What do you think of the design? quick loading?

The CGI for it is working, but there isn't too many parts added to the database.

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the table with all your content is a little bit bigger then the "Kingston Computer Database" image. And you can also make out the edges of the "rounded" edges. I was thinking that the whole table could be a little bit bigger, it's looks a bit squashed in the middle, for the text maybe try a different font, it also looks a bit messy.
Alot of potential!
Note : Viewed in 800 * 600 / IE 5.0
Hope that helps


[This message has been edited by RaviJP (edited 01 December 1999).]

They have: 98 posts

Joined: Apr 1999


You have a good idea coming along but here are some notes:

1) Change the font for the menu bar area from Times New Roman to Arial (perhaps bold or something would look good)

2) You need some space in the middle content area... perhaps add some cellpadding to it.

3) Put some rounded corners/black bg on the bottom of it... I think that would look cool and give it a more flowing effect. If not a black bg for the bottom copyright information, then rounded corners - give them a raised effect off the background color.

Looks like the beginnings of a good site for the Kingston community - just make a couple aesthetic improvements and it'll look great.

R Smith
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R Smith
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Joined: Jan 1970

it looks good, but not really that porfessional, you might want to try going back and making sure that everything fits in ht eplace they are supposed to be!! eg the top graphic!! also the text at the bottom looks a bit out of place, try find a better way to present it!!

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