Good looking website -

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Joined: Mar 1999

Hello everyone,
I have been making websites for a few years now and I finally staked my clame on the www and I need some people to got look at my site and tell me what they think, my site is at please tell me what you think.
Thanks in advance
Ken P

Ken Prescott

They have: 2,390 posts

Joined: Nov 1998

Hi there,
Please review another site if you have time.

- Nice idea and use of colours
- bulky buttons do not really fit into the design.
- linking partners/advertise tables not the same size and really should be.
- the extrrme tracker is too visible and ruins the page layout.

The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
The NEXT step in Designing and Promoting your Website

They have: 99 posts

Joined: Dec 1998

I also think that you use the colors well in your design. However you should re-think your use of tables. They appear not to line up corretly.

Also the text on the frontpage looks sloppy. And the extreme counter should be moved lower on your site.

Also try to tone-down the size of your graphics and logo.

Kyle O
Website Lunatic: "The most stuff for your website"

They have: 327 posts

Joined: Mar 1999

Hi Ken,
Just a couple of things that weren't already mentioned. The text on your buttons aren't quite "centered". The "1" in your logo looks like it could be a "7" in that typeface. I think the overall design is nice but I would add more space around your text block, it's almost touching the blue border. You have some very nice graphics on your "templates" page, keep up the good work.
take care,

Carolyn Jones

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