Experience Pakistan web redesign
I would appreciate any feedback on a recent web redesign at:
Look forward to reading your posts
I would appreciate any feedback on a recent web redesign at:
Look forward to reading your posts
fiesty_01 posted this at 22:27 — 1st October 2003.
He has: 173 posts
Joined: Nov 2002
Hello. The site has a nice look with the dark green/white and black (or dark) text mixture.
I felt the blue links were a bit overpowering, and didn't match well with the dark green, BUT they do stand out. "Cyber Twinning" at the bottom of the home page should probably be red (like another highlight color on your page) or some other highlight color that is different from the links, as I thought it was also a link. The
ten-day Experience Pakistan Tourat the bottom of the page should probably also not be underlined, but highlighted in color or bolded (I found myself wanting to click on it alsoTwo more things: I noticed a lot of white space between the logos and where the actual content starts, with the much smaller rectangular, dark-green navigation box in the center of all of the white space. Plus, a lot of dark green space stands out at the top of the left column where the Project Director and Coordinator are listed (were there supposed to be a couple of pictures there?).
Oh yeah, the date/time thing might be better-positioned at the very top of the site and, for some reason, I saw what appeared to be the start of some dark-green letters or something that stretched (from left to right) from the top of the T in EDT almost to the right edge of the page . . . not sure what that is.
Hope this helps some, and good luck with your site!
Megan posted this at 13:26 — 2nd October 2003.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Wow! Um... I don't really know where to start with this one. It needs a lot of work, to be honest.
Okay... where to start .... Logo, okay, the P is a nice idea but it's breaking up the "experience" word so it's not readalbe anymore. Try something different. The photos in the header graphic don't relate to each other at all and seem to be randomly plopped into empty space. The layout needs to thought out better, and that's not just the header area. The vertical dangly things are really confusing to me. I don't understand what those are supposed to be and why they're there and why there are four of them. The home, register, login etc. links are flowing onto a second line and the green background is overlapping the white bar underneath it.
The actual navbar is too small to be noticeable given the complexity of the rest of the layout. The drop-downs seem very crammed and some of the words aren't fitting on the buttons.
The left side scrolly thing doesn't seem to be working right, and it's rather distracting. The turquoise text used there also donesn't flow with the colour scheme used elsewhere.
The main body looks odd because it doesn't fill the screen horizontally like the top header does. The fading picture is also distracting.
I'm sorry to be so harsh but in all honesty I don't have many favourable comments about this site. Back to the drawing board, I guess
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The Webmistress posted this at 14:08 — 2nd October 2003.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
Unfortunately I totally agree with Megan, there is too much of a mishmash of styles and those drop shadows really make this look amateurish. I also don't like the green & yellow, there's just something about the two colours/shades that grates with me, but that's probably just a personal thing with me. I think really everything just feels too disjointed and the borders round the main content isn't helping that feeling at all.
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
nicora posted this at 16:54 — 2nd October 2003.
He has: 267 posts
Joined: Nov 2001
Hi Stephen_Tiller,
Megan has some really good points, and I don't think they are harsh. I'll just touch on some things that I think could help the site.
I'm not a huge fan of the logo, but I think it could work by making some small changes:
The header is to scattered and broken up. With the color of the logo, you may want to think about placing it over white for better contrast. And the cricket paddles (I'm guessing that's what they are) are just distracting. I think it would help a lot if you made the header more horizontally linear. You basically have a number of elements that simply do not line up.
Moving down a bit, is there a reason for the break between the header and the side bar? This disrupts the flow for me.
And as Megan said, the secondary navigation is too small (which says a lot because I love small fonts.) Maybe you could figure a way to combine the primary and secondary navigational areas and find a good compromise for size between the two.
You have broken design elements throughout the content section, you could tighten these things up. EX: On the left side bar, there is a large gap between the scroller and the text below. It doesn't need to be there. Also, you have designed the site to be liquid (using percentages). Carry this through in every element (don't fix the size of your content, let it flow as well).
Also, you may want to consider using bottom navigation in addition to the top navigation.
It looks like you have spent a lot of time on this site. You just need to spend some more time tightening and refining it. If you do, the end result will reflect this. Keep working at it.
Stephen_Tiller posted this at 08:29 — 3rd October 2003.
They have: 6 posts
Joined: Oct 2003
Thanks to everybody that has given me feedback on this site. Some of the suggestions may be implemented soon. For my American and Canadian friends the 'paddles' or 'dangly bits' with the Experience Pakistan text on are supposed to be cricket bats as it is the No.1 sport in Pakistan. I used the bat as a spacer/background gif so if you viewed at 800 x 600 you only saw one, any other resolution you could see from 4 to about 12 cricket bats. I thought I would try something new!
I would be interested if somebody would advise me on one of the problems I have on this site. When you click on Judges, then select The Judges from the drop down menu. the bottom part of the menu hides behind the fading flash menu in the middle of the content area. However, this only happens on the home page.
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