Community Forums - Powered By WebQuad
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I wanted to specifically point out this website of the WebQuad Network. I recently spent around an hour or so redesigning the header and some of the layout! You must see it It is too cool!
Now I have the most recent topics on ALL pages, important information, jpeg graphics (will safe me on the bandwidth) and better quality.
Tell me what you think. I also welcome any of you, or all of you , to join the forums,
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 11:58 — 6th November 2002.
He has: 3,348 posts
Joined: Jul 2001
The header is quite nice. It ties in well with the "online community" thing.
Only two problems, IMO, with the header. The text "Community Forums" isn't very attention-grabbing. Good that it's not loud and intrusive, but it's probably too quiet. See if you can work another color in there.
Also, I'm viewing this on 1280x1024, and the full page layout looks a little bit disproportioned, as the entire header area only covers so much of the screen. You might want to look at making a "stretchy" header that covers the entire width of the screen to maintain proportion.
I guess if I wanted to be really picky, I could complain about the Arial font text in the Recent Topics and Important Information boxes. Kinda ard to read. Maybe try Verdana.
The colors you're using are quite good. I like that you've used a more saturated blue, but kept it well-toned and moderate. Good change from the normal grey-blue "shades of blue" look (that you might hear Megan complain about every so often
Looking at the rest of the graphics, I think that the "folder_big.gif" image is too jaggedy and rough around the edges. Try antialiasing and using a slightly higher quality save.
Also, that image you have as a background for the right cell in the category header row looks out of place. It doesn't really work well because it "cuts in" to the blue and white gradient running across the left cell.
One last note: the "Administrator" status color in Who's Online is very hard to read against the gray background.
Overall, I think you've done a good job with the design. Just a few tweaks and you're there.
KnightRobby posted this at 12:27 — 6th November 2002.
They have: 71 posts
Joined: Sep 2002
Hey, thanks a lot
That was a great review of the forum! 
One thing about the Administrator and moderator colors: I can't change them. Very hard to explain, but phpbb changes the moderator and admin text color to the same of the header text colors (like the text topics, last post, are the same as the admin color - go figure). About the egdiness, sure I can smoothen it out
Well, my twin brother Ryan, in my humble opinion, did an outstanding job of that graphic. So, I just can't go replacing it on him. Sorry!
Yes, true! We always strive for something that sticks out and is different. Surely, I am glad that you liked it! You can join up anytime as you seem like you would fit perfectly in the community!
The Webmistress posted this at 14:45 — 6th November 2002.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
I agree with Abhi about the disproportioned header and body and also about the font for the logo, but the smilie faces are cute! I also generally like the blue colours but I don't like the purple for the background, it just doesn't seem to fit somehow. I do like the left side gradient but the right side just doesn't go, I would have just the left one going right across both columns. Also the little grey WQ graphic is very jagedy and I would redo them.
I'm sure you wont be making any changes to the site anyway, regardless of what we suggest, so all that is left to say is good luck with it!
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
KnightRobby posted this at 00:11 — 7th November 2002.
They have: 71 posts
Joined: Sep 2002
Now now, that is not true. I highly take your critique as useful. In fact, the last critique of yours was about making the image smaller in file size and jpeg. Because o that word of advice, I was able to do that with both the new forum graphics and the Cossacks Series Website. So, definitely your comments are much appreciated.
I will be looking into the other things you have mentioned!
As always, thanks!
cgrim2210 posted this at 15:05 — 25th November 2002.
They have: 16 posts
Joined: Apr 2002
Cool site Really like how it is layed out and designed!! I give it 4 thumbs up and suggest it to everyone.
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