... circledot ...

Megan's picture

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I agree with what has been said so far. Why are "guest" and "about" in red but the other nav headings are yellow? That's confusing.

I think you should increase that font size just a little bit - it's rather hard on the eyes, and the right alignment doesn't make it any easier.

I think that your splash page would look a lot better without the text on there. The "enter..." part at the top is unnecessary because there are a lot of blue dots on there - the entrance button needs to be more obvious. The stuff at the bottom about screen res. etc is irrelelvant because no one's going to change those things to view your site. Lose it (oh, and you should really cater to 800 x 600 if anything I'm not about to change my screen res but I'm guessing that there would be no problems with this at 800). The copyright stuff doesn't need to be there really, if it's on the rest of the pages.

The blue background of the rest of the pages needs to be changed a bit to match the colours on the dot background thing on the left. It doesn't look quite right.

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here's my homepage ... please tell me your comments ...

thx ... acid

Justin S's picture

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Not bad...

1) It may be hard for some newbies to figure out how to enter the site, 'cause there are lots of blue dots. It's like saying push the blue button to open this package while there are lots of blue buttons; people will walk away (in this case browse away).

2) Get rid of the pop-up banner when the site loads.

3) The pop-up banner that has the actual content is pretty annoying. There is no way for me to close the window without doing CTRL+ALT+DEL because the menu is above the screen! Fix this...

4) Don't just link the little dots, also link the text on the side menu.

My name is Nitsuj. I bet you're thinking WTF...

Brooke's picture

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On my screen the blue dot you are supposed to click does stand out a bit - but I would make it more obvious.

The navigation text is too small to read with that background. They need to stand out more. I would also make the text linked as well as the button.

The top logo is also too small to read. It would be fine if the background wasn't so busy - but considering that it is, the logo and navigation really needs to be bigger.


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Lots of Dots =)

Well this homepage is unique and unusual, to say the least. Definitely not of the ordinary graphics design sort, which is a good thing.

Make the index page that loads after clicking the dot, the same size as the splash page, I thought it was another popup menu or banner ad, and clicked off of it without waiting for it to load.

Try to keep a consistent color scheme on your site. Since it looks like blue, black and green are the main colors there, I'd suggest changing the yellow/red on the graphics page.

Hope this helps,

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1. Make the dot you click on stand out more

2. The pop-up that ocmes up is soooooo annoying...would never go back to a site like that.

3. I like the dots things...gives your page a unique look that stands out in my mind.

Roo's picture

She has: 840 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Your site dosen't work with Netscape at all. The mosueover on the blue dot doesn;t work nor do I get a link at that I can click. Putting the mouse on the blue dot only gives me some alt-text. It all works fine in IE...but I'd fix it to make it work with both browsers.






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