21 Studios.com Website Redesign -
Recently, a few people reviewed my website at http://www.21studios.com and there was alot that needed to be changed, so I redesigned a new website, tell me what you think, its at htp://www.21studios.com/test/index.htm and the original is at http://www.21studios.com
Ken P
[email protected]
Ken Prescott
Grandmaster posted this at 23:32 — 24th April 1999.
They have: 677 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Hello Guys,
I have changed everything, it all should look good now, tell me what you think.
Carolyn Jones posted this at 16:25 — 25th April 1999.
They have: 327 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Hi Ken,
, this one is good too but you might soften the drop shadow so it blends in better, right now the shadow is fighting with the text and makes me feel like I'm seeing double.
First thing that jumps out at me on your new site design is the font you have on your subheadings, I'm not sure what that font is but it looks "jaggy" or bitmapped from here. Also your NEWS tab is all caps and the rest aren't. I would make them all the same.
I liked your old logo
Your layout looks much better so far, how about highlighting your navigation menu? Might be cool to extend the blue all the way to the bottom of the page or even designing some nice buttons (I know you do that
take care,
Carolyn Jones
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
Curtis Stevens posted this at 16:50 — 25th April 1999.
They have: 372 posts
Joined: Dec 1998
Hi Ken!
I would suggest using this tracking script: http://www.xav.com/scripts/axs
You don't have to put any banner on your site and no one will know about this.
Also, I would recommend checking my marketing ezine out: http://www.1simple.com/ezine.shtml It has tips about Internet marketing each week that I think will help you. It's free!
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