2 Sites for review
I built this imaginary sites and built them a template...
Now I need a feedback for them coz I value your opinions here at TWF...
1ST Site
2nd Site
3rd Site
Thanks in Advance...
Megan posted this at 17:06 — 21st February 2006.
She has: 11,421 posts
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First of all, I'd like to say that all of these are big, big improvements over some of your past efforts. YOu are getting better at this all the time!
Overall this looks good. Good colour scheme and overall layout. Good concept as well with the "safe" look. The difference is in the details. The logo looks jaggedy and I'm not sure what's up with that hunk of metal thing beside it. The fonts are generally too small and hard to read (especially with the low contrast on the navbar). There are some borders where I think there shouldn't be (like around the home header and the "check name" interface).
Why am I being redirected to this Register PDQ site with every link? Is this a new identity for the site or something? The intro text is a little confusing because I'm not sure if this is striaght up domain name registration or if there is some sort of special service attached. Having some prices nice and big on the front page, or a special offer of some sort, would entice people to buy.
The page title says "your Site" so I'm not sure what this actually is. The graphics are okay. I like the colour scheme and the sort of retro concept. The graphics do look very fuzzy in places, especially in the logo. There should also be more padding around the nav items.
The concept of the site is very unclear at this point - I don't know what it is supposed to be about and who the audience is supposed to be.
Also looks pretty good. Decent design concept with the striped background and lime/black colour scheme. The character on the right is also al little fuzzy looking and doesn't seem to quite fit with the rest of the concept. Even reading the text I don't know what this is all about. I like what you've done with the hovers on the navbar.
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IanD posted this at 01:20 — 22nd February 2006.
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I think the title of the page at the top would look better if you made it an image and used a nicer font. Also if it weren't transparent, the text gets lost a bit against that background. The ~15px grey border around the main content area might look better if it was closer to ~7px. The navbar hover areas might look better if they weren't perfect rectangles, maybe more of a bullet shape? "The emblem on the left" is actually above the text, not to the left of it.
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demonhale posted this at 01:54 — 22nd February 2006.
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Ok I really appreciate your feedback, At the moment these are site templates Im going to present to clients, so I changed names a little bit and those domain names and imaginary site service etc. Is just really "imaginary"... Its more of a layout and graphic critique...
Thanks also for pointing out my jaggedness on images, its something im trying hard to work at, im weighing over loading speed and auality, ill be balancing it out soon enough...
Oh, I didnt remove the links, its a request for updating a template from a PDQ site, a client wants me to prove that a site can be redesigned quite easily with CSS, and images can be used for existing css on a site... So I proved the point, and another convert client to standardization...
Thanks A LOT for the feedback so far, these makes me improve a lot...
Busy posted this at 10:14 — 22nd February 2006.
He has: 6,151 posts
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2 sites to review huh
The green at first seems very bright with the dark background coming from this with white background. I'm thinking orange may be more suited as it would also tie in with the character on the page. Not sure how much text you'll have on other pages but from experience white text gets really hard on the eyes with black backgrounds, often an off white like f5f5f5 or similar is enough to take that glare off.
The navigation is the first thing that sticks out, how the text goes over the bar, on hover effect looks ok but the background of chat and gallery bleeds into the logo.
I'm guessing the site is about knitting, cross stitching or something? The logo gives that impression. Is the 'just social' image above the side navigation a place holder or is it to stay there? it isn't needed and if anything looks a bit out of place
At first I didn't know what the blucky image was in the top section (and I used to make safes), then penny dropped, is lock mech. The login, account ... section has white corners, so need to be made transparent and there is a border on around check a name (that go button should be light as normal dark on hover).
Overall I like the colour scheme and layout but the background is to loud for such small text and to many link colours - black/yellow, black/white, some dark colour underlined/black no underline, grey/white, white/black, weird blue ? underlined/lighter blue no underline and white/grey (link colour/hover colour)
demonhale posted this at 15:35 — 22nd February 2006.
He has: 3,278 posts
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Nice Fun Review Busy, yeah I forgot the last one and add it in while I was typing and sent it and cant edit the title since it gets screened by mods first...
Ok thanks for FB, It is not really polished yet, but Im learning some quirkiness of the site from your comments... Im doing it slowly, its basically a centered layout, a wide stretch and a left-justify ... Thanks for the FB again...
Busy posted this at 20:36 — 22nd February 2006.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
Your doing well
For future reference thou you'd get a better responce on seperate reviews
demonhale posted this at 16:14 — 23rd February 2006.
He has: 3,278 posts
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Thanks for the tip busy, I just dont want to occupy too much thread space...
steve40 posted this at 19:17 — 23rd February 2006.
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My only question; on the second site, just social. Should the navigation links on the top bar hang over?. They do in IE.
demonhale posted this at 02:58 — 24th February 2006.
He has: 3,278 posts
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can you give me your browser details steve? Oh and the nav does need some hacking for IE... Thanks for reminding me...
steve40 posted this at 08:02 — 24th February 2006.
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IE 6, I was just wondering the fonts are a lot bigger than the bar behind them. I didn't know if it was my browser, or they were supposed to be that way.
demonhale posted this at 10:34 — 24th February 2006.
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Maybe its some quirk with IE I havent fixed yet... Thanks for the heads-up...
jacesbaby03 posted this at 01:12 — 9th March 2006.
They have: 1 posts
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The website domainsafe is a fairly good website. It provides links for people to find out the information that they want to know. The colors go well together however; they are a little blah. The text is kind of small for people to read. It needs to be a little bigger otherwise people will not read it. I am not quite sure what to think of the metal thing at the top. My first thought was that this might not be a safe site like it claims to be.
JerryS posted this at 18:00 — 9th March 2006.
They have: 5 posts
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I'm fairly new @ web design, so I don't know how helpful I can be, but I did notice one thing:
All three sites look like they were designed for a specific screen resolution. I'm using 1024 X 768 and it there was a lot of white space. On site # 2 & 3 this was ok, since the content was centered, so the white space was distributed on both sides. On site # 1 it was all alligned to the left leaving a lot of blank space on the right. If you can center the first site so that it looks like the 2nd and 3rd, it will be a lot better.
Hope this helps.
demonhale posted this at 22:20 — 9th March 2006.
He has: 3,278 posts
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Thanks for FB folks, on the domainsafe site, it was a fixed template given to us by the client, and wanted it modified, been working the quirks ever since, on the preview its about 50% done, and yes I told him already that it needs to float center... So what client wants clients get anyways...
Actually it was designed for 800x600 and upwards for information...
demonhale posted this at 07:50 — 20th March 2006.
He has: 3,278 posts
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Ok I really Thank Everyone that Commented above, Now Im practicing my brain muscles to understanding wordpress, So i decided to make a blog using wordpress and made a theme for it, now All I need are feedbacks, maybe youll see something I didnt, its quite done now so please feel free to suggest...
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