2 Crazy Guys.net

They have: 29 posts

Joined: May 1999

Hey guys! Wow I haven't posted here in the longest, been a little busy.

Anyway, I have a couple sites of mine I would like you all 2 check out and if you would like to do a link trade just let me know.

The first one is called 2 Crazy Guys at http://www.2crazyguys.net . This is a site I just started up this past week, it's a joke site along with a daily joke newsletter.

The second one will probably be of interest to everyone. This is a site I co-run, it's called Free Web Templates at http://www.freewebtemplates.com . Here you can download close to 50 different templates for your website. Also has buttons and banners.

Thanks for checking them out!

Ryan Kuhle

Justin S's picture

They have: 2,076 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

2 Crazy Guys:

Pretty good, but a few flaws. The edges of the red and black "border" is jagged. Same for the buttons. Also- between "Todays Joke" and "Links" the black doesn't match up.

Free Web Templates:

I really like it! But, I don't like how the mouseover links on the menu go further then the text. It's hard to explain...

Overall pretty good!

Justin @ fireburn.com

Brian Farkas's picture

They have: 1,015 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Both look good.
I like the logo of "2 crazy guys", seems like the whole site fits together pretty well.. As Justin said you'll want to fix that problem with the black not matching up. But other than that great job.

Freewebtemplates is a very useful site... I like the design too. The only thing that looks kind of wierd is that the bookmark free templates now seems to be in the right of the screen.. not the center. Plus you might want to make the font under that the same type as the other fonts.. it kind of stands out- but then again that might be what you intended

Overall great job on both.


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Brooke's picture

She has: 681 posts

Joined: Feb 1999

I really like both sites a lot and only have one comment.

On the 2 crazy guys site - the navigation curves in and then goes straight down (matching the black bar background). But it seems awkward to me. I think that the whole navigation should curve, not just home - today's jokes. And with that the black backgound should curve with it.

That's all.


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Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Good, good, good job!!! Honestly, I can't think of anything really important to point out - and that's a real rarity for me.

I usually don't like pages with too many adds, but you've managed to hide them at the top and bottom where they aren't as noticable.

Eek - on the free web templates page, you have some external links in your navigation menu - it would be nice if you had a way of separating them from your internal links. I like to know if i'm being sent to another site.

The two Crazy Guys page could maybe use some mouseovers on the navigation menu.

None of this is really a big deal though - keep up the good work.

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