10,000 Apologies...I Was Wrong...Posting Page Again
I am soooooooo sorry, and feel horrid.
I don't know what came over me except to say I have a lot of things on my mind and I guess it's clouding my thinking.
Asking for your forgiveness.
Escpecially to Rayna...I admire your work and would never intentionally offend.
So to show some 'guts' I'm reposting the page'.
Please remeber that this is only a test page and that there are no inteior working links yet.
The main problem I see is the logo, yes it's too huge, I also sense that it's shape should be wider? Visully it just seems 'off'. it seems too elongated to me leaving too much space on either side throwing off the visual effect.
The only request I have is that you try hard to keep your personal prefrences seperate
Honest my intent was not to 'blast' the younger generation. I'm learning just like you are.
10,00 apologies to all,
[This message has been edited by Roo (edited 06 April 2000).]
Rob Pengelly posted this at 19:06 — 6th April 2000.
They have: 850 posts
Joined: Jul 1999
The logo is big, but it loads fast. I don't see a major problem with it, it seems to go well with the rest of the design.
The buttons are nice, but I think you should add some mouseover's to enhance the menu a little more. The lens flare (I think thats what it is?) doesn't seem to fit in, I would take them out.
Put the small menu under the text aboe the copyright/contact information?
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Megan posted this at 19:15 — 6th April 2000.
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Yeah, the logo should definitely be wider. Probably a horizontal oval rather than a vertical one. That would allow for the navigation buttons to appear above the fold for most people.
The border down the left and right sides doesn't seem to be working very well either. You should probably get rid of that. Well... maybe not. I'd like to see the page without it just to compare.
The highlights on the navigation graphics should be a little bit lighter I think. It looks like there's a dent in on the left side, and I think that the highlight by the words seems out of place too.
Edit: Oops! I mean not so bright - toned down some. That should make more sense I hoep.
[This message has been edited by Megan Jack (edited 06 April 2000).]
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Brooke posted this at 19:21 — 6th April 2000.
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The overall look is good. You've done a good job with the graphics. But overall the graphics are too big. I am using a 17" monitor and I have to scroll down to see everything. Considering you don't have a lot of information on the home page (which I think is good) I don't think one should have to scroll down. Making the graphics smaller will help that problem.
The only other thing is the borders on the left and right. I think they should be smaller - but I also feel that they should also be at the top and bottom. Something just feels 'off'.
I agree that the navigation at the bottom should be above the copyright information. Also, make sure there is some room below whatever text is at the very bottom.
Providing quality websites for businesses and individuals!
Roo posted this at 19:26 — 6th April 2000.
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What you are seeing, is not a lens flare but the 'water drop' eye candy filter...it's supposed to look like a sphere that's why it appears to have a 'lighting effect'.
And yes the text links should go above with the rest below.
The borders reapeat just a tad at 1024 screen res, but to me it doens;t appear to be too much of a probem. Anyone else see this?
Yes I like that by having the logo wider and smaller so that the buttons can be broght up may improve the overall appearance and asthetic.
I guess that's what you get...originally there was no left and right borders..therefor the size. I guess you can't design a logo with one page setup in mind and then expect it to work when the page setup changes without re-working the image too.
The nav images...maybe they just don't work at all?
The reason for using them is that I though that on all interior pages I'd have them at the top with the text underneath, without any logo at all on the interior pages.
Another thing to consisder is that when finished this goes on a free server with the *sigh* banner ad at the top..can't help that for now.
Megan posted this at 19:45 — 6th April 2000.
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Now that you bring it up...it might be a good idea to do something different with the nav images. Maybe just fancy metalic text. I think that four of those 3d circle things is a bit too much.
I really think that you should lose that dark sidebar. It's just not right.
That really stinks about the ad banner. The design you have is nice, but an ad banner is going to totally throw it off.
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Justin S posted this at 19:52 — 6th April 2000.
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Looks like everything worked out well in this situation. Good.
1) Yes, I agree the logo is too big. It pushes everything below the fold for me on 800x600 res. The quality of the image isn't too great either. To fix the size problem I would make it wider, and not as long.
2) I see two border; one on each side of the page. Is that what was intended? 'Cause it doesn't look bad.
3) The navigation images work good, but the quality of them is also pretty lousy. Also- If you're going to use a lens flare type effect, then use lens flare!
4) It will ruin the design if you put a banner ad on it. Unless you can really work around it well. I would just go all out and buy a domain as well as shell out $10 a month to get it hosted. If you're interested contact me and I can set what I can do for under $10.
Overall it's a simple but elegant page with a nice layout. Just need to add some touches.
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Bimjo posted this at 19:55 — 6th April 2000.
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Have you considered moving the big graphic over and stacking the buttons vertically next to it?
This would place all the non-text items within a 800x600 window.
Carrying robp's thought one step further- you could use mouseovers to change the big graphic. You could put a text blurb there with a short description of where the viewer is going, etc.
As Megan said, I think if you cut back a bit on the "water drop" filter (make it more opaque- less bright) it'll work better.
Just my opinion, worth $0.00001 anywhere on earth.
Bimjo's Corner
Roo posted this at 19:56 — 6th April 2000.
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So what exacly is it about the sidebars? I'm tring to incorporate the blue..to go with the same "Sapphire". I thought the dark and the lighter blue offered some contast. No?
Yeah it sucks about the banner...I am looking into a different host...I'm in touch with someone I uses to work with who is part of and ISP team, and although they target the corporate world I may be able to get hosting through them..this is taking time though...he's very busy.
So for now al least I have to live with that GD banner ad.
Roo posted this at 20:06 — 6th April 2000.
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Actually Bimjo that was the ogiginal design..the light blue background..the large logo graphic with the 3 buttons on the side arraged like this
Logo----- Button
It just seemed to plain. While I don't want graphics heavy here...I want get the info in and out...I also don't want too too plain hecnce the borders.
Yes Justin the double border is intentional. I've seen a lot of talented graphic srtists use this in designing linkware sets and I really like the look. I have had trouble getting these borders to work and FINALLY discoverd that removing a non-breaking space from above the table is what was making my tables have a space at the top! I have been trying to get the left and right/top and bottom border setup to work for weesk now.
Despite margin height and width being set for each browser I still had that GD space. When finally my eyes rested on the non breaking space is the code and I said "yaoooy! I've found the problem!"
[This message has been edited by Roo (edited 06 April 2000).]
Rayna posted this at 20:21 — 6th April 2000.
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Well you already know the obvious so I won't repeat anything you already know. A few thoughts for you though.....
Keep in mind when you are creating graphics for your site "Will I be able to print this on a business card?" and "How can I incorproate this into my letter head?" Photos and fancy graphics are great but when it comes to print they sometimes aren't realistic. For the most part the print process uses 4 basic colors, much like the colors you have in your ink cartridge for your color printer and there are only so many colors that that can spawn from those basic 4. A simpe way to test this is to print your graphics, you might be very surprised at the result. Obviously it isn't a perfect process and the graphics for your site at 72 dpi aren't meant for print but it will give you a decent idea of what colors can and can't not be reproduced well when it comes time to print up some business cards
Even better recreate some of your site graphics at 300 dpi and print!! YIKES, I have done this myself and been shocked at the result.
Now that said.......I think the colors you have used so far are a bit too dark. I know you are "Sapphire Design" and the name itself makes you think of dark blue jewels but that doesn't have to dictate the colors you use on your site. I like the layout you have with the center table running down the middle of the page but I would suggest playig around with some lighter colors. I don't say lighter colors simply for print purposes but for those that will be visiting your site that have older monitors and graphics cards (like the one I am using now) the background looks black and if I squint my eyes it looks like there is a very faint swirl or something in there.....LOL.
One more thing......on the code, now that I looked........font tags all over!!!! I assume you will use CSS for the finished product?
Triple Orbit
[This message has been edited by Rayna (edited 06 April 2000).]
Roo posted this at 20:35 — 6th April 2000.
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Ahhh huh!!! I should remember my days at 256 color huh?
That said Ryana, I now am understanding..nobdy ha said it look black! Maybe I can keep the borders but use Gamma correction and lighten them a bit.
And no I had not considered a printing issue at all. Matter of fact hadn't even considered buisness cards at this point.
Does the letterhead and businesscards need to reflect the logo???
I mean I could I just use the facny font and the way the words Sapphire Design are arranged in black ink on a buiness card/letterhead and get away with it?
Oh and yes there is a swirly thingy in there in the borders...it's the same design as what's in the logo turned into a seamless tile. And yup I will see about lightening it.
Roo posted this at 20:44 — 6th April 2000.
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Yup...I haven't been able to get to Suzanne's mini lessons on CSS, but intend to use it for the font.
I am thankfull to have the smallest grasp on CSS...I am begiining to understand how it works....looooooonnnnngggg way to go though
Rayna posted this at 20:57 — 6th April 2000.
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No it isn't absolutely neccessary for your logo to be on your business cards but is a nice touch. Think about how many people you know that carry business cards......is their company logo on them? Probably
On the subject of CSS.......I was a bit intimidated at first thinking that it was something difficult to learn but in reality is wasn't. I found this site the other day when I was looking for something http://www.westciv.com/style_master/house/index_dynamic.html
Triple Orbit
[This message has been edited by Rayna (edited 06 April 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Rayna (edited 06 April 2000).]
Roo posted this at 21:04 — 7th April 2000.
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Made some changes...it's kind of a different layout with the tabs there on the side. I made a new logo, *sigh* now I think it's too small.
The services link works to give an idea of what the interior pages will look like.
I'm thinking of doing thumbnails down the right and left border for the portfolio section.
Maybe the existing logo that's here might work better?
Stll kinda plain???
Brooke posted this at 21:46 — 7th April 2000.
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There is a darker background that appears before the final. I think that background has much more punch because of the contrast. The older version you first showed us had more contrast and therefore stood out more.
The logo is much better. It's not too small at all.
The navigation on the side feels like it just doesn't belong. It feels outside of the site. I would really pull those in, or somehow incorporate those side bars into the rest of the site. They feel more like a frame to the site, rather than part of it.
I would use mouseovers for the text links instead of keeping them in the light blue box.
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Justin S posted this at 19:15 — 9th April 2000.
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Yeah, I don't think the logo is to small either.
The navigation doesn't seem like it fits in either. I think it would work better with graphic images, but not as big as the ones from your last design.
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