10% completed page, need comments

They have: 153 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Hey I am stuck on some of my colors to match the top logo I have for an up and coming design I have.
If you have any suggestions for the background color and the td bgcolors/mousevers where it says:
Home:Chat:Free Email:Forums:Shopping: etc...

The blue and yellowish in the logo is what I want all the other colors to match with.
Also if you guys find anything that doesnt show up right than post that too.


They have: 472 posts

Joined: Oct 1999

The menu bar is fine, but don't use a dark background. Skaters are suppose to be energetic people right?

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Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I would set the background to the same blue as the header. The orange in the title needs to be brighter, and maybe do the same with the blue.

I'm not sure what you should do with the navigation. What you might want to do is introduce a third colour into the logo, just to integrate things more, because the way you've got the nav set-up it's going to need more than two colours. What are you planning on doing with the content area? White?

The picture to the left of the logo needs to be redone. It's too blurry (I guess you were going for that effect but this is just too much) He should also be facing the other way - so he's moving into the page, not off the edge.

They have: 153 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Ok thanks!
I will keep working on it.


Justin S's picture

They have: 2,076 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I like your current design much better. This is why...

1) Center everything.

2) Those colors looks terrible together. Green and poop colored orange. Hmmm. I'd either a) change the color of the green to match the page, or b) change the color of the orange to match the page. I'd say change the green...

3) I agree that the little guy up in the logo is too blurry. Un-blur him.

4) Move the banner down from under the top navigation bar.

Is this signAture short enough?

Darn- I can't even spell right...

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