Ok Folks here is my site.
Keep in mind this just entered Beta. We chose to leave the back up database off because it made it look like every other search engine out there.
We posted this here because we really need every webmaster out there to start entering their websites and helping us in the evolution, to make this the best search engine out there (yes with this technology we think we might even be able to beat google). We really think it speaks for itself. And with webmasters rallying around this will give google a run for its money--gosh sound like we are tooting our own horn guess what we kinda are. I think you will see why when you see how different and NEW it is.
Take note this search engine is Different than any other search engine the algorithim used was designed and created for this website.
Oh and BTW--the motive is GRAYSCALE. So when you come back with bad color scheme- we know this was a marketing choice so that all the search listings will stand out.
rosanda posted this at 14:34 — 4th January 2004.
They have: 25 posts
Joined: Nov 2003
not trying to be harsh, but i think its better if you let others decide how good your site is..
I believe that you will succeed in your cause and because its just beta, i noticed this and can't let it go by...
I went to the site and tried searching for "free templates" and "free fireworks template", instead of getting a site with this topic or a "No result found" i got one site that does not even relate to any of the words or what i was looking for. Got a "Gay Hugs and kisses" site.
I think you need to increase the searching quality...
But the idea is great, and i am now going to submit my site... In total.. good job..
0pn posted this at 16:03 — 4th January 2004.
They have: 6 posts
Joined: Jan 2004
So Right you are. I'm just very proud of the IDEA behind the technology. Backs away from the self gratification. I know it is far from perfect that is why we are beta testing.
That Website had 'free' chosen as a search word so it came up first because there was no other site with keywords to match
. Later on when more relevant keywords are placed the algorithim should take over and sort them accordingly--I hope (beta testing is so spookey).
openmind posted this at 20:42 — 4th January 2004.
He has: 945 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
I don't have a problem with people being proud of an idea. It's what makes the world go round but I think you need to take a rather harsh look at the site.
I searched on a couple of keywords and got no results each time. OK it's in Beta so I'll forgive you that but the way it jumps from centrally aligned to top left for the results is very jarring and disconcerting IMHO.
The front page does need tidying up some to increase the professionalism. Two things stand out and they are the use of Times New Roman as the font text, may be a personal thing but I have found very few site that look pro with this forn (try Verdana or Arial) and the bog standard border="1" around your table at the bottom. Again not very pro so maybe a bit of styling to improve this.
The dvertising page is very off putting with a mass of tecxt entry boxes and no clearway forward. You may also want to give more info about the type of visiots/views the site is getting and give compelling reason for people to spend money with you.
Are you going to have 24 hour staff manning the site? If not how are you going to achieve this claim?
Wrong. Every site has an equal chance to building thei PR from day one. Prine example is my site. One or two well targetted link partners have pushed the PR to 5 already after two months ive. PR is important as it shows the quality of the site and I think it's unwise to abandon this. Your search engione has to give relevant results to the users otherwise they won't come back.
Sorry to be harsh here but I thnk you have a long way to go to achieve a pro product to give any search engine a run for its money.
0pn posted this at 23:40 — 4th January 2004.
They have: 6 posts
Joined: Jan 2004
Ugh your were right in a last edit the center to left view must have been knocked off that is ugly.
Like I've said this is beta(we have been live 2 days and already made 23 changes) There are currently a total of 14 not until you have 1000 websites will you start getting reults. We tested this with the back up database. Maybe I will put the back up database back up? I hate to do that tho because that was crawled and does not usee the same sorting technology.
I've asked for your guys input in some simple things. If you would have posted your site you would have seen no link back was required but your site would have instantly been listed Thus no need for 24 hour staff). No human is involved in the listing. Your site will be listed under the keywords you choose.
The N.A.R.K. program is our oversite. Reports from other webmasters who feel wrong are followed up within 12 hours and improper websites are removed.
Since you decide what you want to "push" on your site you get to decide all this. From the keywords on if your choose relevant keywords and post you can be number one.
I agree the layout has a lot to be desired we have to keep changing things(5 times in 2 days) We had not thought out some of the human reactions. In order to KISS keep it simple stupid in the world of search engines you never want to detract from the results or your advertising with an overdone layout this is why we have chosen mostly text links sorrounded by boders to make them stand out at a later time we may put simple black and whit buttons. It is up to webmasters when we go OPEN SOURCE.
Try listing your site(it is free you are not losing anything) to understand how the system works and why we chose to step away from page rank will become very clear.
I understand your hesitance in accepting the TECHNOLOGY don't look at the look that is unimportant now. How many dime a dozen search engines start every single day. Onlt the ones that have different ideas make it.
As for PR--Ho hum IMHO--I love google and, still do. Have used it 12 times today alone. However their algorithim has become very tired and many webmasters are manipulating the data like a dance often cutting sites that more fit a search out of the running.
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