Web Page traffic debug tool: Fiddler

Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

Nifty free tool that is a proxy for your computer to monitor all network calls that your browser uses. We used it today to track down where a call to a hack site was coming from on a clients site.


To use with firefox, you launch the program and the toggle the setting in the bottom right to Force traffic through fiddler.

You can see everything sent to the server and received. Raw mode, as text, as images, as web pages.

Very cool to watch the traffic.

Oh yeah, one tip, for tracking something, best to have just one page open in one browser.


webdesigner's picture

They have: 31 posts

Joined: Jun 2009

Downloading it now, thanks for this tool Greg. It's always good to have an alternatives in checking traffic for website.

They have: 17 posts

Joined: Aug 2009

Thanks for the tool Greg. Liked your explanation about it. Will download it, use it and provide a review soon.

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