Testing multiple versions of IE on a Mac?

He has: 14 posts

Joined: Jul 2008

What's the best way?

I've managed to get a version of IE6 installed on the Mac, but I'm more concerned about IE7 and IE8. The only real way I can think of doing this is to use VirtualBox or VMWare to create virtual Windows PCs with IE installed on them.

Unless anyone else has another suggestion?

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

That's the only way to do it on Linux right now too. At least IE8 has that compatibility mode so you can do a check in IE7 mode too (not that IE7 mode is exactly like real IE7 but probably good enough for most of us).

greg's picture

He has: 1,581 posts

Joined: Nov 2005

It's not as good as having control over the browser yourself, but this site has been very useful to me in the past:


It's not always perfect, I.E. sometimes if the site takes a while to load you don't get a complete result, but it certainly helps when you don't have access to a certain browser and/or resolution.

They have: 25 posts

Joined: Sep 2009

Can try browser screenshots website.

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