Need topics for web pages
I am developing a new directory that will list web pages by narrowly defined topics.
I need indeas for topics to use! By narrowly defined, I mean something like "Basic wildlife photography techniques" instead of just "Wildlife photography". Only web pages dealing with the specific topic would be listed on the topic page so I need lots of ideas!
caffinephil posted this at 10:27 — 26th February 2008.
They have: 99 posts
Joined: Feb 2008
Will the directory cover all topics or just photography based?
alhefner posted this at 14:25 — 26th February 2008.
He has: 11 posts
Joined: Nov 2006
This is a completely new site and will have a very wide range of topics. I used the photo example as just an example. There could be a topic about anything that isn't "adult" in nature.
I am thinking of offering an incentive for people to start or "suggest" new topics. Perhaps even allow them to generate the starting content and give full credit to them with a link to a page of thier site as reference.
I think that I'll have perhaps hudreds of pages in short order with the possibility of thousands. That's a huge number of static pages!
Not sure about everything just yet. Still developing the ideas and making changes to format, method, etc...
JeevesBond posted this at 19:25 — 26th February 2008.
He has: 3,956 posts
Joined: Jun 2002
There are a lot of CMS' that allow the user to 'free tag' entries, that is they can add their own categories if a suitable one doesn't exist already. In my experience, this is usually a text box, the user starts typing a category and a drop-down of existing categories appears. If there isn't a useful category in the list, the user can add their own.
You would of course need to make sure their entries were moderated before being added to your directory, but that wouldn't be too hard.
If you want to do everything manually, perhaps start by adding sites into the directory by yourself. Experiment, you can always start again, and find what works best for you.
a Padded Cell our articles site!
caffinephil posted this at 13:46 — 27th February 2008.
They have: 99 posts
Joined: Feb 2008
Thats not a bad idea.
A couple of topics related to web design could be:
Hand Coding Web Sites with HTML & CSS
Creating Scripts with PHP
Web 2.0 Applications
If they seem OK let me know and I can come with some more.
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