Firebug problem with disappearing CSS rules
Does this happen to anyone else? I've been searching for a bug report on this but I can't find anything.
In Firefox, when I attempt to add a new property in the style panel it will frequently disappear. In detail:
- From the style panel, with an element selected right-click and choose "new property".
- add any legal property. Say display: block;
- now click away from the entry box to apply it
- Added property promptly disappears
This isnt supposed to happen this way. It should apply the property and leave it in the style inspector. I can edit existing properties - it just won't add new ones.
This seems to happen inconsistently on FF 3/OSX but very consistently in FF 3.0/Ubuntu with Firebug 1.2.0b2.
Has anyone else experienced this at all?? It's very furstruating and makes Firebug almost useless for me.
Megan posted this at 15:25 — 4th July 2008.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Nevermind, I seem to have solved my own problem. Don't type your own ; after the declaration! If you type it yourself Firebug will add one too so you end up with ;; which is incorrect syntax. Firebug ignores incorrect syntax.
Unfortunately it's kind of a habit to type in ; after a CSS rule!
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