A few questions about customizing Dreamweaver MX

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Alright, I've managed to make up a little macro called "convert bad GoLive code". The only thing that I can't figure out how to make it do is format my code neatly. Not changing what the code says, just getting rid of some of the weird line breaks and stuff leftover once all the bad code has been removed. Does anyone know how to make it do this?

Also, does anyone know of any good places to find extensions other than the Macromedia site?

The Webmistress's picture

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These are some sites I have got extensions from before but I haven't been to them for a while so I don't know how up to date they are:


If you come across any good ones let us know!

Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....

Megan's picture

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Okay, here's another one. I want to copy and paste some text from another application into Dreamweaver. If I paste it right into design view, DW puts hard returns after every line rather than identifying them as paragraphs. Is there an easy way to force DW to paste them as paragraphs?

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Another question: how can I set the validator to skip over non-xhtml files? When I run the validator on an entire site it tries to validate js & txt files which I don't want it to do. Is there a way to tell it to only validate html files?

(this isn't a huge problem - it's just in the way)

And another thing - can I customize the validator to skip over certain things? Like the wrap attribute of a textarea? I'd also like the validator detect the doctype and validate accordingly but I'm sure that this is something native to the program and is not in my power to change.

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