Coding apps

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Joined: Aug 2008

Hey all,

Just wanted to get a general concensus on what most of us use to code. I am not a big fan of dreamweaver and much prefer to build sites in plain text editors. I occasionally use Dreamweaver in code view, but since my Uni days Ive always used gvim to code.

What do you prefer to use to code?




teammatt3's picture

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I love Dreamweaver. No other editor makes writing HTML quicker (IMO). DW's little feature that automatically closes your HTML tag when you type < / is the best thing ever! Why hasn't any other implemented that? I also love the site manager because I don't have a local testing server, I have to upload everything to the server when I want to try it, and DW does it automatically when I save the file. No other editor I've used does that.

Unfortunately, for programming Dreamweaver comes out a little short. If Visual Studio supported PHP, I'd be all over VS. The intellisense feature makes programming so much easier. It doesn't just tell you what arguments are available for functions, it tells you about class members and methods (even overloaded methods) for user defined classes. It's awesome, but I only use it for C#.

I've probably tried 6 different editors, and they all have their strengths. But what Dreamweaver and VS do fit me perfectly. I think it's really up to the person using the editor. Try all them out, and see which you like the best.

Megan's picture

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teammatt3 wrote:
DW's little feature that automatically closes your HTML tag when you type < / is the best thing ever! Why hasn't any other implemented that?

Quanta Plus does. That was a requirement for me. I'm sure there are others.

greg's picture

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Bluefish does too.

When you type <tag>, as soon as you type the > it automatically puts </tag> (in full) after it.
Was annoying at first due to the way I work, but after getting used to it I admit it's really useful.

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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No other editor I've used does that.

I use Bluefish with an SSHFS connection to my server. It allows me to edit the files live off the server as if they were local. It doesn't have any of the fancy intellisense or any HTML WYSIWYG tools. It's still sufficient for my web building needs though.

Michael James Swan's picture

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I have various editors that i have access to.

I use Microsoft Expression Web, Microsoft Frontpage, Adobe DreamWeaver CS3, and NVU.

I then use Xaamp to act as a server so i can test the sites as if they were in a live enviroment.

decibel.places's picture

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I use EditPlus3 - a text editor on steroids, with integrated browser preview

The color coding for html, php, javascript is handy

I think the CoffeeCup editor is a pretty good wysiwyg

I work with designers who use Dreamweaver - I get these crazy nested tables with meaningless stylesheets (what does style77 mean?)

I assume you can configure it to do otherwise, but I don't need it.

Of course, if you build in Drupal you can use a rich text editor like FCKeditor



Just wanted to get a general concensus

should be consensus

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