
They have: 1 posts

Joined: Jul 2009

I opened an email, from Newsmax.com, made a comment on- how= oh-bahmas', destroying our system of Government, and in a few seconds, got a virus. It took Norton, an hour to clear. The webmaster alert, microsoft alert, kept saying=" download this software to stop the virus", duh!It kept feeding the fire when I did try it. So, I shutdown, fired up with Norton- going full bore, Norton went thru over 300,000 files, and got it. I had to download some of my Adobe Drivers and stuff, to open my PDF files. But they seem O.K., now ! DUH ? Gene Shires, NC. who do u trust ?

Greg K's picture

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Joined: Nov 2003


nickhead's picture

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Apr 2009


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