Attach Resumé to Email from Online Application

She has: 88 posts

Joined: Sep 2001

Our company has an online, html/java-based employment application. Our I.T. department wrote the Java (servlet? applet?) that sends the completed application to our H.R. department as the body of an email. In the "filling out" phase of the process, the applicant can cut and paste their resumé into an HTML textarea.

Well, at the time we designed this form/script, H.R. signed off on the quality of the end product (the email) they received. Now they're saying, no, we want something better. I.T. refuses to do anything with the project due to other, more pressing projects, so it's fallen to me to come up with a solution. (I don't know and really don't want to know Java--or Perl, for that matter.) So, my question is, does anyone know of a script that will send form field entries as well as an attachment to the recipient's email?