ungrammatical Google Charts API Group
I was combing the Google Charts API Group for tips on changing colors and sizes of the markers in scatter plots, and noticed at the top:
The Chart API let's you really easily create graphs and charts to embed in webpages.
cmon, it's "lets"
anyway, didn't find the answers-
I'm actually using the Drupal module that provides an embed of the Charts..
I am trying to enlarge the default marker size (max is 10x10px - I'd love to double that...)
I also want to set one marker, for the current user, in a different style and color - I've been experimenting with chm settings but the results are unpredictable...
http:// flydigits dot netsperience dot org/node/55/
decibel.places posted this at 17:41 — 24th August 2008.
He has: 1,494 posts
Joined: Jun 2008
Ok, I figgered out the scatter plot syntax:
The key is the chm values
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chd=t%3A10%2C20%2C30%2C40%2C50%7C10%2C30%2C50%2C70%2C90%7C20%2C40%2C60%2C80%2C100&cht=s&chs=500x500&chtt=flyDollars&chts=0000ee%2C15&chg=10%2C10%2C1%2C1&chm=o%2C00ff00%2C0%2C0%2C70%7Cd%2Cff0000%2C0%2C2%2C70&chf=bg%2Cs%2CFFFFFF&chxr=0%2C0%2C100%7C1%2C0%2C1000&chxl=2%3A%7C+%7CMembers%7C+%7C3%3A%7C+%7CflyDollars%7C+&chxt=x%2Cy%2Cx%2Cy&chxp=" alt="" />
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