[solved] JavaScript splash screen
Hello. I'm kinda new to JavaScript. My question is:
Say I have huge loads of data in one single page with lots of pictures, texts and maybe videos. It would take some time to load this into browser. What I want to ask is if it is possible to make something like a "Loading.." splash screen on top of everything with some delay (pre-defined or maybe even if possible for time it takes to load everything) and when all data is loaded, splash screen disappears and nice, clean and fully loaded page appears straight away. If you know what i mean.
Thanks in advance,
Arturas Bajoriunas.
kazimmerman posted this at 11:28 — 5th February 2009.
He has: 698 posts
Joined: Jul 2005
If you search Google, what appears to be the best solution is to create two DIVs, one with the "Loading..." message and the other containing all of the content you wish to hide. Give both a unique ID so you can reference them with JavaScript, and then do something like this:
<title>Your Web site</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showPage() {
document.getElementById("loading_message").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("real_content").style.display = "block";
<body onload="showPage();">
<div id="loading_message">
<div id="real_content">
<!--Everything else can go here-->
This should work, because if I'm not mistaken, the
event once the page is fully loaded. If you want some solutions for fading the message out and adding other effects, check out some of those Google results I gave you.Kurtis
decibel.places posted this at 15:20 — 5th February 2009.
He has: 1,494 posts
Joined: Jun 2008
Hi Kurtis,
I generally trim my Google urls to prevent false data collection
instead of
I would make it
which still works and looks neater too!
There is also a service called "let me Google that for you" which generates an animated Google search for snotty replies to people who should know how to Google stuff - and it annoys the heck out of some members here!
it would produce a url like http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=javascript+splash+screen (notice that you could construct the URL manually without going to the website)
...and if you want to conceal the service, also creates a tinyurl like http://tinyurl.com/aast6y which really annoys some members here
pr0gr4mm3r posted this at 15:45 — 5th February 2009.
He has: 1,502 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
That includes me - choose your battles, Kurtis.
kazimmerman posted this at 21:40 — 5th February 2009.
He has: 698 posts
Joined: Jul 2005
Yeah, I realized the URL was not the best, but I was answering in a hurry and decided that it would work for this case.
Besides, the original problem was resolved, so not all is lost...
GemDev posted this at 11:38 — 5th February 2009.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Feb 2009
Thanks a lot!
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