Pictures Directory for Drupal site users.

davecoventry's picture

He has: 112 posts

Joined: Jun 2009

Currently I have the users avatars kept in sites/

I want to have the users place their pictures in sites/

How does one go about this?

Do you alter the file_directory_path variables?

davecoventry's picture

He has: 112 posts

Joined: Jun 2009

I've solved this with another dreadful hack.

I've created a new table: drup_picture_files with fields name, type, path.

I've created the new directory sites/default/files/picture/users/username

I've use file_save_upload to allow the user to upload the file

I've added the user name, type and path to the drup_picture_files table.

And for the avatar, I've used a SQL UPDATE to set the user's picture field to the sites/default/files/picture/users/username directory. Seems to work.

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