Conditional include

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Joined: Jun 2009

I'd like to create a conditional include that will display content only if the include file is present.

Here's my include as it is scripted now:

// import file

How would I add a conditional statement that would display nothing if is not present?


He has: 698 posts

Joined: Jul 2005

Something like this:

= "wp-content/plugins/"
if (file_exists($file)) {

greg's picture

He has: 1,581 posts

Joined: Nov 2005

Or if you don't want anything "at all" to happen if the file is not included and stop the entire page load and rest of script, use this:

if (!include('wp-content/plugins/')){
'file not available');

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He has: 2,102 posts

Joined: Sep 2003

Isn't that the definition of require? It stops execution of the script if the file isn't available.

@include 'wp-content/plugins/';

might achieve the desired result. The @ symbol will suppress the warning that is produced if the file is not available.

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Joined: Nov 2005

teammatt3 wrote:
Isn't that the definition of require?
It is, but using a PHP E_ERROR halts the script and doesn't allow for a friendly message, just a white screen.
Include() only issues an E_WARNING, allowing a message and rest of page, or as my example with an exit.

Ideally you would include the header/content/footer/navigation etc with a message then exit() if desired, or "other" criteria if the file was not available.

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