Your best and worst host?
I wonder, what is the best and worst host you had experience with?
For me, the best is Hurricane Electric. Their servers are very fast and stable, and support is great. I wish they had lower prices, but the service is worth the money.
For worst... cannot think of one. I experienced some quite bad, but I was with them too short to remember their names.
Zeus posted this at 16:52 — 9th February 2005.
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virtuaal was best and hot was worst.
openmind posted this at 21:36 — 9th February 2005.
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The best? Hosting myself on dedicated servers!
The worst? Tripod but then they are free so what did I expect!
araxis posted this at 22:35 — 16th February 2005.
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Best Webhost: My current one
Worst webhost: <---- .net support is laughable
wakeboardermike posted this at 02:31 — 1st March 2005.
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Sierra Nomad posted this at 07:05 — 9th March 2005.
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Best: CMITsites. Customer support is incredible. He calls me, knows me by name, and even responds to questions on the weekend!
Worst: Tripod. While they do offer "free" accounts, I paid for mine. WAs so dissatisfied with them I transferred w/in a few days. That was months ago, and I'm still trying to get out from under their clutches (still billing me, etc, etc, etc.) My advice: STAY AWAY FROM TRIPOD!
Jon Shannon
Sierra Nomad Photography
Yosemite Hiking Guide DVD & Trail Maps
bja888 (not verified) posted this at 18:39 — 9th March 2005.
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free geocities!
Greg K posted this at 19:46 — 9th March 2005.
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Best: pair Networks.
Worst: Well besides space provided with my internet account, pair is the only hosting company I have used since 1997
Troubled1 posted this at 22:47 — 21st March 2005.
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Joined: Mar 2005 The best, they have live chat tech support and in the 6 months I've been with them I have had no downtime on my site and no lag.
The worst is definitely tech support was a joke and most of the time my site lagged so bad that it was unusable.
dk01 posted this at 23:25 — 21st March 2005.
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As usual GoDaddy is the worst.
My best and current webhost is
They are excellent and pretty cheap. Also its not a reseller or anything, they can be a hardcore rip and have terrible speeds.
fifeclub posted this at 16:57 — 23rd March 2005.
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Worst host: Can't remember their name but my story is something to learn from. I bought hosting at one of those companies that gives you the domain name free for paid hosting. The host was fine a few months and then went down for 2 solid weeks. Of couse I had to find a new host. Well of course since I wasn't getting what I paid for from my last host (or maybe I did get what I paid for
) I did a chargeback on my credit card. I was fully right to do so but what I did not know was that completely unknown to me (even in the TOS) is that my credit card had been charged to an unknown 3rd party company for registering the domain name and despite what they claimed, it was actually the hosting that was free. I soon discovered this fact when they reconfiscated my domain name. They charged me over $100 to get my domain back from a company I had no idea I had been doing business with. The sucky host lost nothing in this deal.
This domain/hosting arrangement is apparenly done often and they intentionally hide the fact that another company is involved. My lesson is to ALWAYS purchase your domains from a major domain registrar and keep it 100% seperate from whomever is hosting your files.
andy206uk posted this at 17:12 — 23rd March 2005.
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lol... for me the worst host was Hurricane Electric (about 4 years ago). Because their servers were in the states they seemed to be really slow over here in the UK and they used to do maintenance in a time that was late at night there time, but it was during the day here and that caused us havoc too!
My current best host is not the cheapest, but the hosting is feature packed and reliable. I use them for all my sites.
kigo posted this at 06:37 — 14th April 2005.
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best was # 1webhost 2004
teammatt3 posted this at 00:43 — 15th April 2005.
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My worst was Best Value Servers, my site would go down at least 5 days a month.
Best? Well, I am using Surpass hosting and they have a lot of downtime too! So I haven't had a great host yet.
Alkiguy posted this at 02:19 — 22nd April 2005.
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I've got little good to say about Hostway. I should be fair and say that really, I had no problem till I wanted to install e-commerce, which required the installation of an SSL Cert. They had no idea how to do it. Wasted two weeks and many hours on the phone. Still no cert.
Went to Apollo Hosting and they had the job done in 24 hours
Queen Mary Tea Room
Raydi posted this at 22:12 — 30th April 2005.
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ovidiu posted this at 16:02 — 2nd May 2005.
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The best host:
The worst host:
Assassin posted this at 03:59 — 1st May 2005.
He has: 77 posts
Joined: Apr 2005 is the best free host on the net and it's upgrade package is awesome. Seriosly, these guys are great.
The worst web host is easily Tripod. They are REALLY bad.
Assassin Band Website
baldrick posted this at 12:06 — 1st May 2005.
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alougth all my sites were a complete flop i have made quite a few (most on free hosting)
my best was, they are in the uk so I dont get all the problems andy gets.
My worst was the horible even for a free host they were horible
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